Chapter 14

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When Amiyah eventually woke up, the first thing she did was panic because they last thing she remembered was Lamar choking her. She looked around and looked at Bianca who looked at her.

"Did he hurt you?", Amiyah asked as she crawled to Bianca and touched her.

Bianca looked at Amiyah. "I haven't ate since I got here", Bianca said weakly.

Amiyah looked at Bianca for a moment. "I am so sorry. This is my fault", Amiyah said.

Lamar comes into the basement and turns the mic on. He bends his knee so that he's lower to the ground, so that he could get to Amiyah's level.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

Amiyah looked at him. "Am I okay?", Amiyah asked. "You chocked me out and put me in here and my best friend is nearly dying!"

Lamar stood up. He didn't say nothing he just walked to a drawer.

"Do you not hear me? She is starving", Amiyah said.

Lamar began looking for something in the drawer.

"We're done and you're going to jail", Amiyah said.

Lamar slammed the drawer and walked in front of her. "Don't say that", Lamar said trying to hold back his anger. "Alright? We aren't done. After all this time watching over you from a computer screen and admiring you, learning what you like and what you dislike, everything about you and now I got you and I'm not letting you go"

"Wait what?", Amiyah asked. "You've been stalking me?"

"No. I haven't been stalking you. I've been looking out for you", Lamar said.

Amiyah looks down. She wondered who and why they so called had so many things in common. It was because he already knew about her and he wanted to make a good impression.

"Amiyah, I love you and I only want the best for you", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked up at him. "If you loved me. Me not my friend would be in the predicament", she said.

"Can't you see it? She wants to tear us apart", Lamar said.

Amiyah made a face. It was like a different side of him.

Lamar started getting angry as he tired to calm himself down. He paced back and forth, mumbling something to himself.

Amiyah was scared but at the same time she felt like he needed help.

Lamar stopped and walked back in front of Amiyah. "I love you", he said. "I'm sorry"

Amiyah was quiet.

"I just wanna spend the rest of my life with you and love you and be the guy you deserve. That's all", Lamar said. "That's all"

Amiyah looked back at Bianca then at him. "If you wanna be the guy that I deserve then you need to get her something to eat and let me take her home", Amiyah said.

Lamar shook her head. "You're going to leave me", he said.

"No, no... I just want what's best for my friend", Amiyah said.

Lamar touched his head.

"Okay?", Amiyah said.

"No", he said. "I'll get her food. But she stays and so do you"

Amiyah didn't say anything.

Lamar walked away and left the basement.

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