Chapter 13

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It was the next day and Amiyah didn't go to work because she was too worried about her friend. The only thing she could think about is how she just suddenly disappeared after she made an assumption about Lamar. She wanted to call the police but she didn't have any evidence so they weren't going to investigate.

Amiyah decided to FaceTime Dominic, and he answered.

"Hey", Amiyah said.

"What's up?", Dominic asked.

"Have you heard from Bianca lately?", Amiyah asked.

"Um, not since the baby shower", he replied.

Amiyah sighed. "Okay", she said.

"You okay?", he asked.

Amiyah shook her head. "I think that I made the wrong decision", she said.

"...about what?", Dominic replied.

"...nothing. How are you?", she asked.

"Miyah, what's wrong?", he asked. "Tell me"

"Dominic, it doesn't matter", Amiyah said. "Especially, since you were acting the way you did when you came to visit"

"Acting like what?", Dominic asked.

"Like some jealous ex boyfriend", Amiyah said.

Dominic made a face.

"Every time I find somebody to date, you get in your moods with them or me", Amiyah said. "Unless you're going to step up yourself, then just stop"

"I don't know what you're talking about", Dominic said.

"Okay, whatever", Amiyah said as she rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid"

"I know you aren't. You're smart as hell", he replied.

"So stop acting like I am", Amiyah said. "I know you have feelings for me"

Dominic shook his head and chuckled. "I don't know who told you that, Amiyah", Dominic said.

"Okay, Dominic. Bye", she said.

"So you really gonna do this?", Dominic asked.

"I just called to ask if you spoke to Bianca anyways. Not for you lie to my face", Amiyah said. "Goodbye. I'm busy"

Dominic sucked his teeth. "Iight, Miyah. Bye", he said.

Amiyah hung up the call. The only way she was going to find out, is to investigate herself. She looked out the window and saw Lamar's car. She thought he would be at work today but he wasn't.

She decided to call him. In order for her to find things out she felt like she needed to act like nothing was wrong.

Once she called Lamar, he answered.

"Hey, beautiful", he said.

"Hey", Amiyah said. "How are you today?"

"Good. Feeling a little bit under the weather but I'm fine", he replied.

"Aww, do you need some soup?", Amiyah asked.

"I think you by my side will be  better than soup. I haven't seen you in three days", he said.

Amiyah thought to herself that three days wasn't that long. She could tell he was the clingy type though.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just been so busy", she said.

"I see that you're home today. Why aren't you at work?", he asked.

"My brain needs a moment to relax", she said. "Maybe I can come over"

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