Skill: [Dominator's Touch] - (No mana required) - You can control objects without touching them.

Skill: [Dagger Throw] - (30 mana, dagger only) - Deal damage by throwing your dagger. As the skill's level increases, damage and accuracy will increase.

Skill: [Bloodlust/Killing Intent] - (100 mana) - Using strong energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute. Several targets can be selected. Effect 'fear': All stats -50%

Skill: [Shadow Extraction] - (no mana required) - A shadow soldier is created from a body without life by taking out its mana. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time passed since the target's death. 

Skill: [Save Shadow] - (no mana required) - You absorb the created shadow soldiers and save them. Saved soldiers can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator desires.

Skill: [Reanimation] - Can reanimate souls from dead bodies, and store them. The number of souls that he can store and reanimate depends on the level of her intelligence. The chances of being able to reanimate a body depend on the time gap between reanimating and the death of an individual and the gap between her strength and the individual she is trying to reanimate. She can only attempt to reanimate the body only 3 times. As long as she has mana, her shadow is basically immortal as they can regenerate endlessly.

Skill: [Shadow Exchange] - Can switch positions with any previously summoned shadow. It does not appear to have a distance limit. It has a cooldown of 3 hours at the base level of 1. At level 2, it's reduced to 2 hours.

Skill: [Ruler's Authority] - A form of telekinesis with her hands. It is later revealed that it's actually being able to freely control mana.

Skill: [Domain of the Monarch] - Shadows within the area of influence gained enhance stats. It also replaces the colors of the above Knight Grade Shadows from Blue-Black to Purple-Black.

Passive Skills:

Skill: [Perseverance/Unyielding Spirit] - As your health is below 30%, [Perseverance] will active. Damage taken is reduced by 50 %.

Skill: [Will to Rehabilitate] - Temporary ability. Any dismembered body parts are restored. 

Skill: [Longevity] - permanent effect. All diseases, poisons, and status effects are healed, and sleeping will explosively increase regeneration ability.

Skill: [Advanced Dagger Arts] - Because you used daggers for an extended period of time you can now use daggers more proficiently. When a dagger is used, the attack with it gains 33% additional damage.

Buff: [Rasaka's Steel Scales] - Rasaka's Venom will harden the skin and reduce all physical damage by %20.

≪∾≁≄≇≊≍ Meeting God ≍≊≇≄≁∾≫


When I opened my eyes, I was welcomed with a bright light as I squinted so I wouldn't go blind. The light soon started to dim, getting a bit tolerable to see my surroundings. In front of me sat a small wooden coffee table behind it sat an elderly-looking man, in his late sixties, I think. He gestured to me to take a seat before taking out a small teacup for me. He poured some green tea and gave a gentle smile, "Please, have some tea, Miss L/N."

Y/N: "Thanks... um, what's going on?"

???: "I know that you are quite confused right now, but please believe me." The man takes a deep breath and bows, "Due to my carelessness I have accidentally made one of the construction workers drop steel beams on you, while you were walking down the street. Please forgive me, you weren't supposed to die for at least 20 more years."

I hummed in acceptance, taking a small sip from my tea, to be honest, my life was pretty bland, I've never been in s relationship, I've never had many friends, I've never felt attached to my parents because they were always busy with work stuff that it was quite rare for me to actually see them in person, and even if I did see them, they were too engrossed with each other to even notice me, I've spent my childhood studying and my teen years being an introvert who only watches anime and read manga. Wherever I meet new people, I come across as devoid of emotions and a bit intimidating since I'm a tab over 6ft. "Well, it is what it is."

???: "You're taking this surprisingly well, I thought that you'd freak out."

Y/N: "If I actually had any attachment to someone when I was alive, then yeah, I'd be freaking out. But honestly, I'm a little bummed out that I won't be able to watch the 5th season of Highschool DxD, other than that, I think I'm fine." I take another sip, "So, are you God or something?"

???: "Oh silly me, I've forgotten to introduce myself. Yes, you're right, I am God, and as an apology, I will resurrect you to the world of your choosing."

Y/N: "Wait, are you serious, like any world I want?!"

God: "Of course, why would I lie to you, my dear? Now hurry up, I've already stalled enough, where would you want to be transferred to?"

I immediately stood up, and stared at him with hopeful eyes, immediately throwing away the mature and calm facade, and begged, "I wanna be in the Highschool DxD world, please! For the first time in my life I've felt what love truly feels like ever since I watched the anime, so please, I beg of you!"

The God was taken back by the sudden outburst, he then sighed and patted my head, "If that is your wish then I won't argue, but that world is full of danger and hardships, so I'll lend you a hand so that you don't die immediately." He then takes out a smartphone from who knows where and hands it to me, "That phone has many uses, but honestly, I'm too tired to explain everything to you, so you'll figure it out soon enough. But the main thing is, it is connected to your old world, which means that you can still hear and see what's going on there, you can't actually communicate with anyone of that of the old world, not that you have anyone to talk to anyway." ouch, a bit too blunt don't you think, God? "And I shall bless you with some abilities as well as the option for you to choose your race, now please choose wisely."

I sat back in deep thought, thinking back to all the magic/fantasy mangas I've read, then, it hit me, my all-time favorite manga series, I looked back at God with an eager smile, "I wanna be a human with the exact same ability as Jin-Woo from Solo Leveling!" 

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