☆( 5.11.2020) - (11.11.2020)☆Nights 16 - 22☆

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Sorry for the lack of updates! I haven't tried to shift for a little bit because my sleeping schedule is messed up. (It's 4am for me right now on a school night, ha-) I think I'll be trying again during the weekend because then I'll have plenty of time to practice my shifting methods and such.

From what has happened though, I've been feeling pretty disconnected from my current reality and a couple of nights ago, I saw K1-B0 and Tsumugi in my dreams, so that was cool. Also, today during lunch I looked out the window while at school down at the corridors, and I swear I saw someone who looked like Junko, but it might be because I'm usually tired at school and I need new glasses.

Thanks for staying interested!

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