☆(29.10.2020)☆Night 9☆

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Tonight, I got really close to shifting, I know it!

I started out with the raven method once again, but this time I did a guided meditation before starting with the shifting and affirmations. It really helped, since I was then I already relaxed from the meditation. My limbs when numb quicker and I also got a couple of other signs of shifting just from the meditation!

However, just like most times, the raven method's starfish shape was too uncomfortable for me to handle. The only reason I keep doing it is that it's yielded the most results. I flipped onto my side and kept trying to shift, keeping with the counting and positive affirmations, and I got the same results! My limbs went numb pretty quickly!

The only problem was that I was using these bulky headphones instead of earbuds, so by the time you're meant to fall asleep, I couldn't because my ears hurt so much, not to mention the fact that some subliminals are way louder than others. Needless to say, I'll be buying some earbuds today.

I think the only thing holding me back now is my focus. My mind wanders often, but meditation can help with that, so I'll be doing a lot more of it.

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