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"Get up." A muffled voice said. I couldn't make out who it was.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a white blurry spot above me. As my eyes tried to adjust to the light, I sat up on the bed. I lightly groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"Reginald? Did I fall asleep on the dining table? Why didn't you wake me up?" I said with an half hearted smile.

"Here." That cold voice that pierced my ears and left goosebumps along the way. I immediately recognized it.


I looked him in the eyes. His black eyes stared back at me and in his arms he was holding a black and gold Armani bag. I quickly got out of bed.

"G-good morning. I'm sorry I should have woken up-" He didnt let me finish.

"Shut up." He said as cold sweat kept rolling of my back.

'I can't believe I fell asleep. And to not wake up before him. Have I gone mad?'

My legs were almost shaking. That's how nervous I was feeling right now.

"Get changed in these clothes for tonight. And make sure you look a least bit presentable." I could feel the venom dripping of his words. Luckily he seemed to have forgotten about that night.

"Of course." I answered. I didn't dare to look up. He threw the bag on the bed and walked out. I could hear his footstep fade away. The door closed and I felt a shiver down my spine. I let out a sight, feeling relived he was in a good mood. Otherwise he would've thrown a fit about how I had woke up so late. I slowly sat down on the bed. Looking at the designer clothes he had brought me.

'Seems like the meeting went well yesterday.'


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