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"Do not talk unless talked to. Do not eat unless offered. Do not dance unless it is of any kind of worth to me. And do not embarras me."


The grand doors opened and Akira lightly held my arm. As if holding me any tighter was a sin. I looked at him for only a moment. But that was enough to see just how quick this man put his mask on.

That terrible smile... That oh so terrible smile. The one he used for places like this. The one that would haunt the dreams of his enemies for years to come.

Our names were called out. Introducing us to the hundreds of guests who were waiting for us.

The great banquet ball of Inugami family. Held every ten years in worship of their ancestors and to pray for the wealth and success of the next generations.

I should've been used to the staring. The whispering. The looks of disgust and envy. But I wasn't. I am not and I never wil.

I have no memory of what happened after we entered those doors. I would believe if someone told me we were greeted by every family and talked to by every guest. I didn't know how many more hours I was capable of keeping this facade up. The smiling. The whispers.

Akira let go of me and walked up to the front. I followed and stood behind him. He welcomed the guests. His voice heavy with authority. The moment he spoke, no one else dared to make a sound. All eyes were on him.

Eyes filled with fear.

Fear of the powerful man standing before them. They each held their breath. Knowing they will never be able to reach those heights. Akira had that effect on people.

I looked on to the man they called my husband as he gave his speech. After he was done and the crowd dispersed, a rather familiar voice called out to me. In a way I didn't believe anyone would ever call out to me again.


A voice filled with love.

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