Independence Daze

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"Okay, here we go! Don't you think you guys are getting a little bit old for milk and cookies?" Mrs. Morgan asked.

"Maybe. But you're never too old for a cookie sandwich." Benny took three cookies at once and bit into them.

"Just when I think you've found every way there is to be disgusting, you find another one." Sarah rolled her eyes at Benny.

"Yeah, I know, right? Grow up, Benny." Ethan agreed, hesitant to bite into his own.

"Hello?" Grandma walked into the room.

"Oh, hi Evelyn! Come on in!" Mrs. Morgan said cheerfully. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I just wanted to make sure that Benny isn't making a mess." Grandma used her magic to knock the milk to the ground. "Oh! Do you have any napkins?"

"Stay put, no problem. I'll get some." Mrs. Morgan walked away.

"Grandma!" Benny hissed in embarrassment.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourselves?" Grandma glared at us.

I looked at Benny. What was going on? "It's an easy explanation. Sarah didn't believe in trolls and Ethan bet me I couldn't conjure one. What was I supposed to do?"

"This is what you were doing while I was doing my history project?" I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"You didn't conjure a troll, you conjured a toll. It cost me five bucks to get out of my living room." Grandma sighed.

"Ha! Told ya you couldn't do it!" Ethan smiled triumphantly.

"Sorry, Grandma. I'll clean it up before our lesson." I apologized.

"Here we go." Mrs. Morgan walked in.

Grandma made the cookie plate flip over, and then scolded Benny. "It's okay. I'll get the dust-thingy. It's okay."

Mrs. Morgan walked away and I used my magic to clean up the milk. The liquid turned into a bubble and splatted into the sink. I placed the cup by the sink and unflipped the plate, placing it neatly back on the table.

"Well, at least I conjured a toll booth. Can one of you two do that?" Benny asked Sarah and Ethan.

"No, all I do is fight everything with (Y/n) while you hide. Like, you hide every time that stupid robot dentist movie comes on." Sarah retorted.

"Hey! Cyberdentist came to this planet to fill our cavities with pain! At least I'm not hiding from myself." Benny said harshly.

"Benny, that's a new low." I scoffed, looking at my cookies.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sarah asked.

"That you're a fledgling afraid to drink blood." Ethan snorted.

"It's not her fault she doesn't want to!" I argued. "You would be a fledgling if I hadn't saved you from Jessie."

"And you're so perfect!" Sarah added.

"I'm just saying. Between Benny's misspelt magic and your smash-happy strategy, you'd both fail without (Y/n) and I's bulletproof genius plans." Ethan argued.

"Stop!" Grandma whisper-yelled. "You four are a team! I sense a coming darkness. A force so powerful, so evil, that none of you stand a chance against it alone. Only by working together can-" Grandma stopped when she noticed everyone except me on their phones. "You have to work together!"

"We will, Grandma." I said softly.

"Did you guys hear that thunder?" Mrs. Morgan asked.

"I think it's time for us to go." Grandma said, looking at Benny and I.

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