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"Get outta here, prodigies! And keep practicing! We have a concert soon!" our band teacher called. "Get a decent lunch!"

I packed my stuff up and practically ran out of the classroom. I was wearing my glasses because it only enhanced my perfect vision. I was in the back of the classroom, so of course our teacher writes too tiny to read.

I ran down to the cafeteria and quickly went to the lunchline. I looked for the boys until I spotted them, Sarah sitting down between Benny and a guy I didn't recognize.

"You guys won't believe what happened last night." Sarah said as I came up behind them. "Who's he?" she motioned to the guy next to her.

"This is Boltz." Ethan introduced.

"'Cause he's faster than lightning." Benny added.

"Why are you guys dressed like hockey players? It's not Halloween yet." Sarah teased.

"Because they made the team." I kissed Ethan's cheek as I sat down next to him.

"So, what, you guys are, like, water boys or something?" Sarah guessed.

"No, we happen to be players." Ethan corrected proudly.

"Yeah, and this is the players' table, so unless you're one of our hockey groupies... Right?" Benny questioned.

"Yeah, I'm so not on that team." Sarah got up and walked away.

"I forgot how cute you looked with your glasses on." Ethan whispered, smirking. "But you're even prettier with your glasses off."

"Sorry, I had them for band. You know Mr. Hermit, his writing is microscopic." I put my glasses in its case.

"Don't apologize." Ethan shook his head. "But eat. Don't want you starving after school."


"What are you doing?" I snatched the spell book away from him. "Haven't you learned not to mess with potions after your Jock Star potion?"

Benny's phone rang and he picked it up and I noticed the potions he was trying to look through.

"Hey, Sarah. Did you know there's a spell that cures athlete's foot?" Benny put the phone on speaker.

"Fascinating. Did you know your buddy Boltz isn't your average jock?" Sarah countered.

"Of course! I was trying to figure his tricks out but someone took the book away from me." Benny glared at me.

"Well, unless you're a pile of dead body parts, it won't help." Sarah sighed.

I perked up at her words. "Come again?" I stammered.

"This old weirdo says the stone on his mask is called the Eye of Zartak. It resurrects dead limbs into whatever you put them in. Your buddy Boltz is made up of a dozen dead hockey players!" Sarah explained.

"Do you know what this means?" Benny asked.

"That we have a crazy hockey monster on the loose?" Sarah guessed.

"No. It means I'll never be good at hockey!" Benny sighed.

There was some mumbling as I paced around the room, looking through the spell book. The Eye of Zartak?

"Did he just say "geek brain he find"? Ethan!" Benny said, getting up and shoving the chair into the table.

"What do you mean Ethan? Is he in trouble?" I followed Benny to the front room, where we slipped our shoes on.

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