Friday Night Frights

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"He's a huge, awesome robot. All he'd have to do is yank on the warp engine nacelles," Rory argued as the four of us walked down the hallway.

"Okay, that's like saying a dude could fight a boat," Benny retorted.

"Can't we do this later?" Ethan whined.

I kissed his cheek to cheer him up. "Let them be," I said soothingly.

"Are you still coming over for movie night?" Ethan asked quietly.

I smiled and nodded. "I would never cancel. Well, unless another end-of-the-world thing happens again," I rolled my eyes.

Ethan shook his head. "We're not canceling it even if something happens."

I tilted my head, trying to see if he was serious or not. "Okay, we would probably postpone it, but not cancel it," Ethan corrected himself.

"That sounds accurate." I kissed his cheek again.

"He's a robot in disguise! He'd just show up as a harmless truck!" Rory raised his voice.

"In space?!" Benny questioned in disbelief. "Hey, coach," Benny sighed as we passed him.

"What are you doing, coach?" Rory stopped, making us gather around him.

"Saying goodbye, boys. Time to put this old relic into storage," Coach explained.

"But, isn't that, like, the only trophy this school has ever won?" Ethan questioned.

"Yes, but it, uh, it sends the wrong message, you know? Winning isn't everything. Yeah, sure, our team has come last in points, but, oh boy, we come first in so many other important areas," Coach explained.

"Yeah... like, point... avoiding?" Benny guessed sheepishly.

"That is one sad trophy case," Rory said.

"Here, can you hold that for a second?" He handed the trophy to Ethan.

"Yeah, sure," Ethan nodded.

The trophy glowed blue, and I looked at it strangely. It stopped, and I shrugged, figuring it was nothing. I laid my head on his shoulder as Benny's hair messed itself up.

Benny glared at Rory. "What'd you do that for?" Benny fumed.

"Yeah, I... I guess. Who are you?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan?" I looked up at him.

"Who are you calling nerds?" Ethan asked the empty space.

"Why don't you transform and roll out, dumblebee?" Benny spat.

"You're a warp-ten butthead!" Rory shouted back.

"Okay, point taken. So... what do you want?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan, is there someone there?" I asked worriedly.

He squeezed my hand once, indicating a yes. His pants suddenly fell down, causing me to let go of his hand and jump away. I looked at him in shock as the boys laughed at him.

"Space-themed, huh? I would've guessed Spiderman." Sarah walked up next to me.


"Ah, here he is. Coach Ed. Says he was the gym teacher thirty years ago," Ethan informed us.

"He's ancient," Rory commented.

"Says the vampire that will literally live forever." I rolled my eyes.

"Is he here, right now?" Benny whispered to Ethan.

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