Village of the Darned

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"Watch our numbers grow! Mole leaders make it so!" Jane chanted around the living room.

"Can you stop screaming? We're trying to watch So You Think You Can Scream." Ethan stopped her.

"She's excited. Selling donuts is a big deal for her." I reasoned, looking up at Ethan.

"Ah ah ah, put the donuts down, and step away from the box." Mrs. Morgan walked over to the window and peered behind the blinds.

"I was just going to take one." Jane put her hands up in defence. "Or two."

"One or two dozen." Ethan snorted. "I stopped eating Moleos when I was twelve, and my teeth still hurt when I look at 'em."

"And you're supposed to sell the boxes of donuts before you get your Business Mole badge, remember? Sell, not eat." Mrs. Morgan reminded her.

There was a honk and I looked up at Ethan. "Sounds like your ride's here. Come on. Let's get your sweater on."

"Do I have to go to the Mini Moles with the Tornado Twins? They're crazy, Mom." Jane whined.

"Oh, honey. Come on. They're not that bad." Mrs. Morgan reasoned.

"I'm not so sure about that." I whispered to Ethan and he nodded.

"See? They're even knocking at the door this time." Mrs. Morgan added, opening the door.

Two boys ran in and sprayed Mrs. Morgan with silly spray. My eyes widened at the twins.

"That's my Mom!" Ethan got up as I ran to get a towel.

"That's my mom. That's my mom." the first twin taunted.

"I'm Ethan, I need a babysitter." the second added.

"Boys, get back here!" their mom yelled at them. "Oh, hey Sam! How are ya? Oh, I love your blouse. Dirk, put it down!" she yelled as I handed Mrs. Morgan the towel.

"It's Moleo season again. All that sugar." Mrs. Morgan blinked and shook her head.

"Oh, yeah. Times two." she added.

"And Ross gets back on Sunday, so I have three days to find a father-proof hiding spot for the donuts." Mrs. Morgan sighed.

"Are you still thinking about putting them in the wall?" Ethan asked.

"Oh! I put ours in the bunker out back. The kids don't even know about it." she explained.

"Oh, do you think you could take ours too? If they're in the house, Ross will smell them. He has a nose for Moleos." Mrs. Morgan asked.

We heard a crash. "Oh, sure, but hurry up. Just before the boys find your matches."

Ethan rushed over to the box and handed it to the mom. I smiled smally at Ethan and sneakily kissed his cheek.

"Our babysitter had a little breakdown. Again. But you. You're old enough to babysit." she spotted Ethan with a smile.

Despite Mrs. Morgan's and Ethan's insistence, she kept nodding her head. "Done! He'll be fine! I'll just drop the boys off when I pick your mom up. Boys! Sugar bomb, twelve o' clock!" she threw one of the boxes outside and the boys ran after it. Jane cleared her throat and I stopped her, taking the silly string off of her before she walked out the door. "You are a lifesaver!"

"So, you'll let me babysit her kids?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I thought that maybe you deserve a second shot." Mrs. Morgan reasoned. "It's okay, I'll call Sarah for backup. Wow." she said as I pulled silly string off her.

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