Alex x male reader

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R.O.B.: *wooop woop woop*

"Yes, R.O.B. I get it."

R.O.B.: *woop woooooop*

"Look, you don't need to keep rubbing it in!"

Mr. G&W: *beep boop beep*

"Yes, I know. He was right about Steve being next the next character, and I was wrong to assume he would be a Mii Fighter costume. But can you blame me? That's what I thought, because I didn't think he'd have some fighting skills."

Pac-Man: *wakka wakka?*

"Oh, we're just discussing Steve."

Pac-Man: *wakka*

"Jesus Christ, three others too?!"

Mr. G&W: *beep boop*

"I will not date Alex".

R.O.B.: *wooop woop woop?*

"I might have dated the other  girls, but Alex is the one exception."

Mr. G&W: *beep booooooop?*

"Alex doesn't have much character compared to the others."

Pac-Man: *wakka?*

Mr. G&W: *beep beep*

"Yeah, I know that I once dated Isabelle, but she at least had a semblance of character. Steve and the others from Minecraft have none."

Shulk: What's all the commotion here?

"You see, they're trying to get me to date Alex, but thing is, 1) I don't care for Minecraft, and 2) Alex doesn't have much of a character.

Shulk: I'll sell you this broken antenna if you date her.

R.O.B: *wooop woop*

"I'd rather date my mom again than go for Alex."

Palutena: "Did you say something about dating a certain someone, y/n?"

"Uh, uh, uh--"

Palutena: "That's what I thought you said."

Shulk: You were saying?

"Sold! Where's Alex?"

"So, you're the newbie here, huh?"

Alex: "You're the Goddess of Light's son, huh?"

"You know, that's literally the first thing that everyone asks me."

Alex: I guess word really does travel around fast, huh?

"Some have taken into consideration that being my sole trait."

Alex: So, tell me about this "bet" between you and your friends.

"I can't tell you. That's classified information."

Alex: We're the only ones in the room. It's safe to tell me.

"Okay, so, when I first came here, my friends did a bet that I would try do date every female, no exceptions."

Alex: Really?

"Yes, really. Like, I've had to go on dates with dogs and squid-kids and pale mannequins and umbra witches and whatnot. It was fun at first, but now, I dunno.

Alex: Is it fun?

"Well, it's good to get to know each girl."

Alex: Well, I can say that for once, I actually know someone that has character.

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