Pyra/Mythra x male reader

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Palutena: "You've seen the new characters, have you not?"

"I'm not impressed. Honestly, I am not impressed."

Then he hears the sounds of swords slashing.

"Da hell was that?"

He went off into another room.

Amidst all the noises, Y/n saw several swords hitting various Miis over and over.

"Those poor Miis," he thought.

He decided that he would watch this Mii smashdown to pass time.

"Whoa!" He thought. "Whoever these fighters are, they sure got skills!"

Unbeknownst to him, two fighters did so happen to be behind him.

"You like what you see?"


Pyra: "Oh hello."

Mythra: "My, aren't you cute."


Pyra: "Is there something wrong?"

Mythra: "You look rather pale."


Mythra: "Something's up with him."

Pyra: "Maybe he's shy."

Palutena: "Allow me."


"Um, hi?"


Palutena: "You zoned out there."


Palutena: "These are the characters I mentioned."

"So I've been told."

Pyra: "Are you okay?"

Mythra: "Do you need anything from us?"

"No. I'm fine."

Palutena: "You like them, don't you?"

"Shut up, mom."

Smash Females x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now