Chapter 2

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I still hadn't got any of my school supplies and there was only a day left till I stepped foot at Hogwarts!! So today I will be going to Diagon Alley. My dad had the flu so he couldn't come with us. My mom threw some Floo Powder in the chimney and we were arrived at Diagon alley.

Everyone was in a hurry and doing some last minute shopping. I saw a couple of red haired boys and a red haired girl all looking through a window. I approached them curiously and they were looking at the new Nimbus 2004 that just came out a week ago. "I wish we could afford them," said one tall red haired boy. There were two of them, they were twins. I never had seen such a thing. The Nimbus 2004 didn't really excite me though, since I already had it. It was important for me to keep up to date with the new Nimbus brooms, since I was captain of our Quidditch team at Beauxbatons.

"Cordelia, come on we have to get going. You have so many missing supplies you need to get and I have to get my hair done for the event tonight" yelled my annoying mother from behind.

I think that having the luxury to bring an animal with you to Hogwarts is really magnificent. Since, in Beauxbatons you weren't allowed to bring animals, those filthy french people thought it was a disgrace to humanity to own a pet and show affection to such creatures.

As we walked up to the Magical Menagerie, I was certain that I definitely had no intention of buying a toad. My mom didn't enter the shop because she thought animals were disgusting creatures as well. However, her opinions didn't really matter to me, so I went into the store without even bothering to ask if she wanted to come in. I knew she wouldn't either way.

As I was observing the vast amount of different creatures, this one owl caught my eye, it's feathers were light grey and had some yellow feathers near its claws and that was it.
I didn't dwell on over which one I should get. I had made up my mind. " I want this one", I said to the old man who looking at me from behind the counter. "It'll be 245 galleons," he said. I gave him 300 galleons. I took the owl and started walking outside. "Miss, I didn't give your change" he yelled, "keep it" I answered. I just didn't really want to carry the money, it was kinda heavy.

As we were walking to Olivanders two very familiar faces caught my eye. A silky blond haired man in his 40s and a sort of mini version boy next to him. They both were astonishingly pale and had charmingly intimidating blue eyes. The two of them were wearing all black and appeared very cold. You could say they look soulless the very least.

As I was observing them and trying to figure out where I knew them from, the platinum haired boy looked straight at me. We had direct eye contact for 3 seconds but it felt longer. I felt kinda awkward so I looked away immediately.

"What are you looking at?" I heard a voice from behind, I turned around and it was the pale boy. I didn't know what to say. I mean who asks such a question? What the hell?

"Um.. Is it illegal? Will you send me to Azkaban?" I snapped, he didn't even react to what I said but I could make out a small grin appear in his expression.

"What is this all about Draco? What happened to your manners ? " inquired the man standing next to him.

"Sorry father," answered the boy, shifting his gaze to the ground. He looked at me once more, narrowed his eyes slightly and they both turned around and started walking away.
Well.. that was odd. Anyways no fucking pale ass man can ruin my day.

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