Chapter 27.

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Trigger warning: Violence.


"What are we just meant to choose one of our own for this?" You can't hear Rossi shout from the other room, it makes you wince. You knew the hardship that Hotch would have now, figuring out which two agents to send in. It had been done before but this unsub seemed more dangerous.

You turn to the others and sit down on the chair while sighing. You see Morgan shake his head and throw some papers onto the table you were sitting out. You look up to him and gesture with your head.

"Well it's fucked up isn't it? This? This unsub wants us to play his sick twisted game with our own." Morgan huffs and rubs his forehead. From the side of your eyes you can see Spencer sitting down looking down, the spark is almost gone from him. Cases often put him into a different frame of mine though.

"BAU, please come here." Hotch walks into the room where you were all sat and waves you in his direction. You get up and walk over, arms crossed.

"So me and Aaron have been talking, we need two people who are going to be able to outsmart this unsub, two who are able to get inside this guy's head but also keep their head tuned into the goal." Rossi starts to speak but you don't understand it at first.

"We don't want to do this, we also don't want to send in officers pretending that it's the BAU as we are certain that unsub knows who you all are. We know we are asking the absolute worst, basically putting you into what could be a very volatile situation."

"Hotch please, just tell us who." Morgan asks, his voice hurried.

"Spencer and Y/N." Hotch whispers quietly while looking at you both. It's almost as if you don't hear properly to begin with, your head is full of what ifs.

"What? Hotch no. It would be better to send me at least!" Morgan protests, his protection over Spencer was brotherly and you could see the pain in his eyes.

"I agree, Hotch. Send me and Morgan!" Emily says while standing up from the desk she was leaning on.

"I'm sure they will do just fine, we wouldn't have picked them otherwise. We need their intelligence and they both add so much to the mix. To be honest, you all have your merits for this but we need their brains."

"Just my brain eh Rossi? Not my bad ass FBI skills?" You jest while laughing. Rossi looks at you and smiles sadly. "Guys we'll be okay. He hasn't said we can't be geared up so that's what we'll do."

"Are you both okay with this?" Hotch asks while walking over to Spencer who looks worried. His eyebrows are scrunched up and he looks directly at Hotch who is waiting for a reply.

"I am. I am, actually did you know that planned hostage situations fare better than unplanned? But of course there is a small percentage that ends up worse." Spencer rambles, he plays with his tie as he speaks.

"It'll be okay Reid." Morgan states as he rubs his shoulder. "Y/N?" They turn to look at you.

"You know me, I can do this." You say behind what you assume is the fakest smile ever. You had a feeling this wasn't going to go to plan, you look to Spencer who looks concerned. "You ready for this doctor Reid?" You ask while smiling at him, his hands are still on his tie but he nods while frowning slightly.

"Come on, let's go." Morgan says while picking up a bag that has FBI on the front. He pulls out mics but they're slightly more concealed, they're able to sit almost comfortably on the inside of your clothing without being seen, your hair would conceal it and it would sit inside your bra.

"Y/N, come." Prentiss says while walking over with a mic in her hand, she looks over at you and smiles slightly, it comforts you. "Turn." She commands as you turn around so she can conceal your body as she attaches the mic to you.

Maybe one day? - Spencer Reid x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα