Chapter 11.

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"She's not stable Reid." Morgan says while you all walk down the sidewalk. "You can't put stock in what she says. I don't need to tell you that." Morgan exclaims, you can tell he's also stressed behind his sunglasses. 

Both the men are infront while you're behind texting Hotch updates about what had happened last night. You leave the part about Diana's breakdown out, it felt wrong to tell him that especially as it was such a private vulnerable thing to happen. You weren't even meant to be listening.

"And I don't need to tell you this is textbook. Father reroutes compulsion to molest away from his own son to a surrogate." Spencer explains to Morgan while walking faster.

"The woman thought Riley Jenkins was an imaginary friend until you told her otherwise." Morgan says back.

"The minds way of suppressing memories she doesn't want to face." Spencer explains again. He seemed quite hellbent on the unsub being his father.

"You're losing objectivity here, kid!" Morgan's voice raises slightly and it takes you by surprise.

"I'm not trying to say I know what happened, or how my dad's involved Morgan!" Spencer states angrily while stopping in the middle of the street. His arms flap as he speaks. "But my dad's involved." You see Spencer turn towards Lou Jenkins.

"Whats he doing here?" You ask Spencer while looking at the police station. You go inside with Spencer and Morgan to find the detective who Lou had just been seeing. After a few minutes of Spencer arguing with the detective Morgan speaks up.

"Look we would consider it a personal favour if you helped us out with this." Morgan stands between them both while speaking to Detective Hyde calmly. "We just want him on his heels."

"You've got 24 hours." Hyde responds while putting his hand on his hips.

"I appreciate that." Morgan says but you notice Spencer walk out of the room slamming the door behind him. It wasn't very often that he lost his head like this but it was starting to affect you as well.

"Spencer, come on! Wait!" You shout at him but he carries on until Morgan storms out of the room as well.

"Reid, you gotta keep your head man!" Morgan shouts at Reid.

"He just agreed to it. It happens all the time." Spencer says as a rebuttal.

"You know how these guys are. They just want to feel like they're the ones in control." Morgan states correctly to Spencer who is calming down and is showing less anger. Morgan's phone rings and you walk after Spencer who has decided to walk out of the building.

"Spencer, wait up!" You shout as he walks down the steps of the police station.

"Why? You going to have a go at me too?" He shouts back at you while speaking throwing his hands into the air.

"No. Spencer I'm not going too. I want to make sure you're okay." You say quietly to him while walking up to him. His hair is messy and he peers at you through furrowed eyes. You wonder if you should just leave him alone but you knew he needed someone, his eyes told you that he needed someone.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you like that Y/N." he admits while running his hands through his hair, you notice his watch over the sleeves of his cardigan. His tie is slightly looser than usual his shirt is slightly creased.

"It's okay, I'm here. You seem really stressed Spencer. I'm worried about you." You walk closer until you're right infront of him. You look up at him, your eyes squinting in the sunlight.

"Why?" He says sadly. His voice is small and you notice he's carrying the strain visibly on his shoulders, he doesn't look as carefree as he usually does and you feel a deep pit of sadness.

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