Chapter 10.

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The next morning Spencer is the last person to meet up in the lobby of the hotel you guys stayed at and without really speaking to any of you he informs you all that he's going to stay in Vegas for a couple of days. You think it's slightly odd and that he looks to be quite distracted by something but don't press the issue.

"Y/N, Morgan come here please?" Hotch shouts while Spencer is out of ear shot. You both stand up and walk over to Hotch who looks concerned. He raises his eye brows with his mouth set into a set line, his arms are crossed.

"What's up?" You ask Hotch while crossing your arms. You had a feeling it was about Reid.

"What's going on with Reid? I know you both have been working quite closely with him on yesterday's case." Hotch asks while looking at you both with his eyebrow raised. Your brain flaters and you can't think if you should be truthful or pretend not to know.

"Ah, erm sir-"

"He's found out the boy in his dreams was a real kid who get murdered and I think he's stayed behind to investigate it further but using his mum as an excuse." Morgan interrupts you and explains the situation to Hotch.

In the end Hotch allows you both to stay in Vegas, the team didn't have another case yet and you were allowed to stay as long as there was no emergency cases coming in to the BAU. Hotch bid you both farewell and you both decided to go to Spencer's hotel room in Vegas to wait for him.

"I can't wait to see pretty boy's face!" Morgan exclaims while opening up a can of coke and sitting on Reid's sofa. The sofa is quite big and he spreads out on it with his feet up on the table in front of him.

"What if he's mad Morgan? He seems stressed enough as it is." You comment while looking around the room. It's clean, neat and minimal. You still feel like you're intruding so decide not to sit down yet.

"He'll be okay baby, he needs us. I'm surprised Hotch let us both stay." He says after taking a sip from the can. "You're really worried aren't you?" He leans forward and clasps his hands together. You nod and go to speak but hear the door open. You both freeze and look to the door to see a certain Dr. Reid appear.

"Erm what are you guys doing here?!" Spencer exclaims with a confused look on his face. You notice he's holding a box of files, one part of his hair is behind his ear while the other is over his face. His sleeves are rolled up half way, shirt tucked into his trousers and his gun sits on his hip. 

"What does it look like?" Morgan inquires.

"Well breaking into my room and watching TV." He says. "Aren't you both supposed to be on a plane back to D.C?" He raises his eyebrow at you.

"You're supposed to be hanging out with your mum?" You question him back and cross your arms. He keeps your gaze and you notice Morgan look between the both of you. "You're not." You question him and you see him shift his gaze from you to Morgan and then back again.

"Riley Jenkins?" Morgan questions.


"Reid, come on. I've seen what this is doing to you, let us help you please." Morgan pleads while standing up and walking over to Reid.

"Maybe we can help you find out who killed him Spencer." You say while walking over to the files, there seems to be quite a bit of paperwork.

"I think I already know." He quips. You and Morgan both look back at him and look confused.

"Tell us about him?" 

"Truth is I don't know a lot about him. He's my father." Spencer announces while furrowing his brows. What? Your brain is confused, his father? The father who left him? Surely he wouldn't murdering boys.

Maybe one day? - Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now