Chapter Five

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They decided it would be best to begin as soon as possible. The professor had decided he would teach the nineteen year old everything up to the fifth year, that way he could take his Owls at the end of the year in case he wants to stay in the magical world after school. Percy skipped telling the elderly wizard, that that wouldn't happen. Dumbledore was talking to himself about how he would start and what they needed to learn most importantly, while Percy tried to convince his mother of the idea. He wanted her to not worry about him but he didn't look for her approval, he didn't need it anymore. When Sally calmed down, Percy got his bag and prepared himself for the journey. He didn't tell anyone about his intention of spending time in London. Psyche would find him nonetheless and he needed a break from the gods anyway. He probably should have told his cousins Nico and Thalia, as they had developed quite an overprotective behaviour when it came to him, but he hadn't even told them that he was back in the country and liked it to stay that way. They didn't need to worry about him this much, he was just fine on his own.

When the old professor asked him to hold his hand he was confused at first but when he explained to him the principle of the so called apparition, he took it. It was a form of transportation for wizards. You disappear in one place and appear in another, like the gods just instead of the bright light the gods create or the stardust of Psyche and him, it makes a little plop sound. It is very exhausting over long distances and very dangerous for a young wizard to try alone, but Dumbledore assured him, nothing would happen to him as long as he hold on tight. It would feel very weird and most likely he would make him throw up, but everything would be fine after a few seconds, the man assured him.

Percy grabbed his hand sure it couldn't be any more worse than shadow travelling with Nico. He was familiar with such sort of travelling, this wouldn't be any different. Dumbledore nodded to him and sucked in a breath before turning. It was weird. He felt like pressed into a tiny hole. It lasted longer than he was used to. When he traveled like this, it only took moments, but apparition took a little while.When he crashed back down to earth, to the reality, he took a few steps. His head was turning but he straightened as soon as his feet touched ground again. Percy couldn't afford to show weakness, not in a world he wasn't familiar with. Dumbledore needed a little bit longer. He was  and needed Percys help to stand for a few minutes. Apparitions over long distances are very weakening and he wasn't exactly the youngest wizard.

While supporting the professor, Percy spend the time looking around. They reappeared in some sort of street. It was dark from the shadows of the crooked buildings that flanked the narrow alley. Percy couldn't see anyone but felt the presences of people around, probably at the cross-road. Feeling presences of people was a handy ability he learned in Iceland last year. The buildings surrounding them were definitely magical, or he could explain himself how they could stand. As they walked along the alley a few minutes later, Percy's view swept over the displays of the houses he identified as shops. There were eerie objects scattered around and Percy was sure not only some of them were illegal.

"The Knockturn Alley. We will need some thing from here, too. But we will buy them at the end as it is not recommended to carry things from here around for long" Percy gave the shops a last glance before looking forward. None of the things here could hurt his in any way and the fact that there was an illegal wizards market was non of his problems right now.

They stepped out of the shadows into a bright and colourful street, their eyes only slowly adjusting to the sudden brightness. The black haired stopped for a second to take in the impressive sight. Every building in the cobbled street was unique and magical. Some looked like they would topple over every second, others were standing strong, defying everything nature threw at them. Finally Percy could see other people, all of them clothed strangely. Apparently it was fashion in the wizarding world to look like a fool.

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