New Version out now!

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Hello my dear reader friends!

As many have noticed and pointed out to me this story hasn't been updated for quite a while. This has quite a good reason as I have been rewriting it over the past few months. It needed a lot of correcting, not just grammar wise, but also just general mistakes in the story. When I started to write this in May of 2020 I had no plan where I was going with the storyline and the characters. After many different outcomes and much thinking and dreaming, I now have quite a good sense of where to go. I have already written a lot of chapters that are ready to be read and am working on the rest :)

The new version of this story does not directly follow the outlay of this one and while it has many common parts, it also differs quite a lot in others, so I would advise you to read it from the beginning. (The chapters also do not completely match, meaning it would be difficult to find the point you left.) 

I will be uploading all the ready-for-the-go chapters and hope for more to be ready as soon as possible, but please show patience with me. I am very busy with my education at the moment and sometimes there are just times when writing doesn't come easy (I am sure some of you can relate).

I hope you have fun with the new version called "Smoke and Dust"! The overall quality of the writing and story building is a lot better and I personally am a lot happier with it than with this one. You can find it now under my profile!

Have  fun reading!

(I will leave this version on the platform for maybe anyone wants to compare the two, read through the old story or just wants to laugh at my stupid misspellings and typos ;) )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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