Chapter 31

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My card said that I should be mourning and be upset about my dad's death. I sulked in the corner and I told whoever walked right to me that I can't imagine anyone would want to kill.

The girl who was playing Victoria came up to me. Turns out I was banging her and she was the only one I trust.

"Hey there love." She said.

"FYI, I hate being called love." I said coldly. Ty was the only person allowed to call me that.

"Chill baby. So what are you doing?"

"Well mourn on my father's death I think." She flirted her way to me. But I dejected all that. She left me there feeling annoyed. I was proud of myself because back last semester I would have grabbed that mountain of hers.

Moments later to my horror she was saying something about having a long year of bed affair. I thought it was gonna be a secret. Good thing nobody noticed that because Ty was shouting about the food and about her supermodel body at the same time.

I laughed at what she did. It was unlike her. She walked towards that Chandler guy and had a conversation with her. I was amused at the moment she stuck her tongue and put her right hand in an L and shout LOSER to Logan. But Logan smirked. I think it was a cue of him performing a song. He was playing a cabaret singer.

Logan walked towards Ty and started singing.

'love me tender love me...'

He was flirting with Ty and Ty was rolling her eyes and I sensed that she was very annoyed at him.

Then there was a time when RB flirted with her sister. It was hilarious. I could watch it over and over and over again.

The night went on and we haven't got the murderer yet. It was time for desserts when Chandler and I had a fight. He was accusing me of killing my father. I accused him at killing my father because Giuseppe was not giving him anything except the things they were doing in bed. And I said about the time they were fighting over something and he pushed him into the stairs so everyone accused him as well.

Then there was this fight that Ty and Logan had. It was about Logan who was secretly in love with Ty and Ty doesn't want that kind of thing. Which is probably true even without the murder mystery game.

After dessert, everyone had the time to guess who the murderer was. Were in the kitchen and everyone blurted what they thought of.

"It's Bruno, He was a mafia member after all." Logan said.

"No it's not me. Besides, if I'd kill someone I will not poison him or her. It was not professional at all. It's just sloppy." RB said. "Maybe it's Zandra. Giuseppe turned her down for a modeling gig didn't he?"

"Me? You wished! I wouldn't get my hands dirty with that kind of treacherous doings. It's Chandler! Because he was very jealous of Bruno and Giuseppe."

"I loved him. Why would I do that?" Adam said.

This goes on and on and on forever.

"So none of us did it, except for Victoria. Oh gods, Victoria did it." Ty said.

The girl playing Victoria looked scared.

"I didn't." Everyone I looked at her. She caved in. "Okay okay. I killed him. I'm obviously madly in love with Marcus and I would do anything for him. Giuseppe was horrible to him, he never loved him. He never acted that he was his son. I want to be with Marcus and live with him in this lovely house and end of our days. I killed him!"

"Finally." Logan sighed.

So the mystery was solved by Ty. The host gave her a token for winning.

Everyone said that we had fun. I had fun too, a little bit though. But would have been fun if my character was not timid but the flirting Ty made earlier was the highlight of my night.

Everyone said their goodbyes and we went straight home.



I feel like this chapter is boring. Sorry. It's just that I can't think of anything right now. What do you call that thing. Ah yes, writer's block.

Hope you would stick around for the next one. I promise to make it better.


On the Other Sideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن