Chapter 6

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hey, i am hoping you are liking the story so far, well for starters i would like to thank the people who read the story i made. you guys really made my heart jump with glee :) i love you :*
second of all, can you guys suggest a fairytale that Astryd would wander into. thanks a lot :)
dont forget to vote if you liked the story.
-syb aka anotherstoryteller


I was up in my room. I had a big problem. It’s bigger than every problem I had ever got. I was so careful all these years and I always go through that door when I know no one is around. I never thought that RB’s friend would be there. RB doesn’t even know anything about the tree. It was always a girl’s secret. Ahhhhhhrg. What would I do? What would I say? What if Nyx squealed to RB? Ahhhhhhrg. It’s all my fault. I should be more careful.
Nyx would never drop this thing. I know. I wouldn’t if I saw that kind of thing.
I was brainstorming about how to fix this. Should I say it to mom? No I should not. She would be mad. She was against it in the first place. Wonder why my mom was so against that tree. I bet she had the time of her life inside that too when she was younger.
But going back to my dilemma. What should I do? I stayed up all night thinking about it and how to get out of it.
I got down as soon as I saw the sun rays was shining through my triangular window. I got down the stairs and went to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door. I was stunned to see Nyx in the bathroom shirtless and in his boxers. I stared at him. He was someone the Gods brought to the face of the earth.
“Good morning Ty.” He smiled at me sweetly. I just met this dude and now he is giving me butterflies on my stomach. No one has ever made this to me.
“Uh, good morning.” I turned my back at him.
“It’s all yours.” He slide himself in the space between me and the door. He walked towards my old room.
I got inside the bathroom. It smelled like him. Ahhhrg. What the hell is happening?
I made my morning rituals. And came back to my room again. Day two of summer vacation and I couldn’t figure out what would I do. I had no friends in town and all I had is a brother but he is with his roommate.
I was in my bed when someone barged in the stairs (I had no door---only stairs). It was my brother.
Ty, let’s go down town for lunch.”
“Lunch? What time is it?” I asked.
Woaaaah. The day must have gotten away from me. Sure I’ll go.”
I got up and slipped on my toms. I didn’t even bothered changing what I was wearing. So mind you, I was wearing a boy’s shirt with the sleeves cut off exposing my side and a denim short. I got into the car before them. I sat in the backseat. Well I knew my place. His pall would be there in the passenger’s seat.
They came at last. They were laughing when they climbed in the car. Uuhhhg, boys, laughing at anything.
“So, you ready?” RB asked.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied.
“Good.” He started the engine and headed downtown for some lunch. Nyx turned the radio on. Of Monster and Men’s ‘Little Talks’ was playing. We started singing along with it.
“Whoa, your sister has good taste in music.” Nyx complimented me.
“Well, I thought her everything I know.” He smirked.
“Not all.” I butted in.
Not so long, we made it downtown. RB parked in the parking lot of our favorite diner. They had gone out of the car first. When I got out I fixed myself then RB looked at me bemused.
“Dionne Astryd Dieppe, what the hell are you wearing?” he asked.
“Is that a question or a threat?” I mocked him. “If it’s a question, it’s one of your old shirts I cut to make this cute top. But if it’s a threat, hmmm, come on RB, who would dare look at me? I’m a wall flower remember? I’m practically invisible in this town of ours.”
“I can see everything.” He said.
“Oh please. Let’s go. I’m hungry.” I answered.
“Here.” Nyx put his jacket on my shoulders. My stomach did a flip again. I could feel the something burning on my face.
“Come on. She’s all covered up. Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.” Nyx said as he pulled RB.
I slipped my arms on the jacket. It was a bit big and it smelled like him.
When we got inside and sat on the spot we always sat in. It was the corner booth of the diner. I sat in first and my brother sat beside me. Nyx sat on the other side. The waitress came to us.
“Oh hi RB, never heard you were in town.” The waitress said.
“Well, just got home last day. How are you Mandy?” RB said. I think it was one of his friends when he was in high school. She was a familiar face.
“I’m okay, school’s okay. And I need some extra money for next semester so I had this part time job. So what would be your order?”
“I’ll have the usual please.” I said.
“Remember my sister? She’s very hungry. Ha-ha.” My brother teased.
“Yeah. Who wouldn’t?” the waitress chuckled. Well I think she didn’t even know my name but she was flirting with my brother so I let her be. “So what’s the usual?” she asked.
“Tell Joe ‘Astryd’s special’. He’ll know what it is.” She scribbled something on her notebook. “And a chocolate sundae.”
“I’ll have a grilled chicken burger.” Nyx said. She scribbled some more.
“Oh that’s my classmate in the university. His name is Nyx and I’ll have a grilled chicken burger too please.” RB said. When the waitress finished scribbling on her small notebook she said it again for confirmation.
I got my phone as soon as she left the booth and read a book on an installed app. I was reading ‘Game of Thrones’. Well I saw on the news feed of my Facebook that it was a popular series now, but I prefer to read it than to watch it. Books had more details than that of the films/series they made.
My brother and Nyx was talking about what subjects they would be getting next semester. Did I mention they were studying engineering?
After a few minutes our food came.
Astryd’s special and a chocolate sundae” I smiled with glee when she gave it to me. “And 2 GCBs. She smiled again and had gone to another table to get orders from the people who just came in the diner.
“So what’s special about the famous ‘Astryd’s special’?” Nyx asked. I think he was curious.
“Weirdness.” My brother said in disgust.
“Well, I always loved a burger with eggs, bacon, pickles, some greens, some fries and a pancake on it.” I stated. I put a spoonful of ice cream on my plate and sliced my burger. I dipped in the slice on the ice cream I put on my plate. RB saw what I did.
“Disgusting. Dad thought her that when we were younger. They had the same taste in food.” My brother made a face.
“Can I try it?” Nyx said amusingly.
“S..S.Sure.” I pushed my plate towards him. He sliced the burger again and dipped it in the ice cream.
“Dude!! Eww!” RB said.
“It’s actually good.” Nyx said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Nyx replied.
“Wow. You are the first person who said that. Dad would probably love you instantly.” I said.
“But where is your dad?” he asked. RB and I looked at each other. There was a sudden silence in the table
“He died seven years ago.” RB broke the silence.
“Oh I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” He apologized.
“It’s okay. Let’s just enjoy our lunch. I said.
Then they told me stories about the university again. Their stories were never ending. They had a lot to tell and I mean a lot.

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