Chapter 10

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“She went that way.” A caterpillar in a half made cocoon said. I looked at the fish and jumped on the lily pad again. I shouted a thank you at the caterpillar. The fish excitedly swim towards the direction the caterpillar told us.

He was a little too fast because we are flowing with the current. Too fast that he was stopping the lily pad because it was going too fast. To my horror the stem snapped and the fish couldn’t get hold of my lily pad.

The fish couldn’t get me back. I saw where the current was heading and it was a falls. Some rocks was on the way breaking my lily pad. I was carried by the current. I couldn’t breathe.


I woke up with insects bringing me. A roach is leading them. He saw me woke up and said a lot of things.
“I’m gonna make you a star. Brighter that Thumbelina.” The roach said.
“Thumbelina? Where is she?” I asked.
“That ungrateful girl just ran away leaving me with a tent full of people willing to watch her. Do you know how to sing?” the insects put me down. The roach went inside a tent and gave me something dry to wear. It made me look like I was an insect but it was dry.

When I finished putting on the dress, roach pulled me into a tent full with more insects calling out Thumbelina’s name. He pushed me up a made up stage and gave me a microphone. The insects quiet down.

Hi.” I said meekly. “I am Astryd and I don’t know what to do here.”
“SING!!!!” an insect shout. I have no idea what to sing but the song ‘sing’ would be nice. Insects was now shouting. Moments later I was humming. Everyone was quiet listening.
“I need you to sing this tune. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh” the insects mimicked my tune.

Louder.” I said. And they sang louder.

Sing.” I shouted. And they sang the tune again.
“I need you to sing it out over and over again.” The insects shouted but sang the tune loudly.
“It’s late in the evening. Glass on the side. I’ve been sat with you for most of the night. Ignoring everybody here we wish they would disappear so maybe we can get down now.”I started and insects were still singing the oh-oh tune.

After I finished singing people were shouting for more. I was pooped. And I said to roach that I need to sleep and relax.

To my surprise he said no and practically threw me out. I was astonished at what he said. I thought I was good. He practically pushed me out.

I went on hungry and tired. I saw some berries on the way and got to eat. Then I saw a bird. A humming bird.
“Thumbelina?” the humming bird asked.

Why do everyone mistakes me as Thumbelina?
“No, I’m Astryd. I was thinking if you might know where Thumbelina is.”I asked politely. “And oh, do you want a berry?”
“Yes. I just left Thumbelina with the Prince earlier. He saved him into a wedding with the mole.”

Thumbelina did all that in one day? What an adventure.
“What Prince?” I asked in astonishment.
“You know. Taller than you, mesmerizing eyes and have a bee called beezy.”the humming bird said.
“That was the Prince? Peter is the Prince?”
“No, his name is Cornelius.”
“Could you maybe bring me to them? Please?”

I rode to his back and he said to hold tight. I did. Well humming birds fly fast.

After minutes of flying the humming bird flew down an abandoned place.
“Excuse me, but this is abandoned. Is this where they will be?”
“Yes, bow down before anything else.” He said.

Why?” moments later a golden flower flew by. It opened in front of me. A human the size of me wearing a golden gown and a big crown. I think she is the queen.

My lady.” I bowed down.
“I never see you here before. Are you new?” she asked.
“Yes milady. My name is Astryd.”
“Where did you come from? I want to talk to you, have you met my son Cornelius? Come here, join me.”
“It’s an honor milady.” She extended her hand down at me. But before I could get her hand I kissed the humming bird goodbye.
“Thank you.”I whispered to him.

I took the queen’s hand and got up her golden flower.
“Have you met my son?” She asked me again.
“Yes milady. And to tell you the truth I am finding him. My sister is with him. My sister had gone missing and he rescued him.”
“Oh did he?” the Queen said in astonishment.

Yes he did my queen. He is one brave young lad. But I really do want to see him and my sister. My mom is worried sick and we should be heading back home.”
“Where do you live Astryd? Let me take you there.”
“That’s too much my lady.”
“No, I insist.”
“A cottage near the river.”
“You live with a person? Are you the one who was given to an old lady?”
“No my queen, that was my sister.”
“We should go there while finding Cornelius and your sister.”

Before I could say a word, the queen shouted with grace.
“Cornelius!! Cornelius!!”

We headed south. And moments later I could saw the familiar house I left hours ago. When we in front of the window sill, I was astonished to see it was wide open. I saw beezy inside and knowing that made the heavy thing I was feeling being lifted.

The flower where the queen and all the soldiers that follows her came inside the window. I almost jumped at the flower when I saw Thumbelina holding the prince’s hands.

Thumbelina!!” I shouted running towards her and hugging her tight. “You are alright. I was very worried.”
“Yes Astryd, I am.”
“Cornelius.” I heard the Queen’s voice.
“Mom.” I heard Peter or should I say Cornelius said casually. “Mom, what are you doing in here.” He said. I could tell he was surprise.

I dropped Astryd off. She said that you save this fine young lady named Thumbelina.”
“I did. And…”
“And you didn’t even told me. I should’ve let soldiers come with you.”
“Well, are you the mother of these two fine young girls?” Looking at the old lady.

Thank you for looking after Thumbelina and Astryd. As the Blue fairy Godmother told me, Thumbelina was the one to marry my Cornelius and be her queen.” The queen said.

We were all astonished at the news. Seems that not everyone knew this news well except for the Queen.

The queen explained all about it and the fairy who gave Thumbelina a’s bud to the lady. Seems that Thumbelina was in trouble just for that prophecy so they all agreed on giving her someplace but the forest with her own people.

The old lady surprisingly agreed on all of this and the Queen suddenly said that Thumbelina would be marrying Cornelius in a couple of days leaving the old lady behind. But Thumbelina could visit her once in a while.

Until then the door on the dollhouse began to glow cuing me to go. I embraced all the people saying goodbye and apologizing to them that I will not be able to go to the said wedding and explaining that I would be going home.

After all the drama, I got into the door and wished them a happy life before I close the door behind.

When I was in my own world I felt my tiredness and got to my room immediately to sleep. Having a smile in my face, I knew that Thumbelina and Cornelius would have a happy ever after.

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