Chapter 23

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Finally, we are home. Getting into the other side with someone was hardcore. I thought I was gonna die out there. I'll never get in there again with someone.

"It was fun." Nyx said.

"It was not like that when I go in myself. I was always just a wanderer."

We were silent for a moment.

"Let's have dinner. That adventure starved me. My treat." He asked me.

"It's a date!" I replied. He was silent again for a moment. I looked at him. He was blushing. I laughed so hard.

"Why the hell are you blushing Nyx." I asked.

"Let's go. Let's have dinner." He chuckled.

We drove into my favorite diner. It was jam-packed but luckily we had found a booth. We sat at the booth. A familiar face came to us. She was the waitress I knew growing up.

"Hi Ty. Long time no see." She said.

"Hi Daisy. You're looking greet." I said. It was the truth. She was looking good.

"Well, I've lost weight." Daisy said.
"Good for you. I bet you are inspired doing that."

"I am. And I think you are too." She was looking at Nyx.

I looked at Nyx. "Oh no, no, no. Daisy this is Nyx, he's my brother's best friend and roommate."

"Nice meeting you Daisy." Nyx greeted.
"Same here. So I bet you'll be having the Astryd's special?" she asked.

"2 of it please. And 2 chocolate sundaes" Nyx said.

Daisy went to the counted to say our order.

"I'm beginning to like you Nyx." I said. It was a joke. But I think I really am liking this dude. But I'm not sure of it yet. I swear I saw him blushed.

"I like you too Ty." He said. It really made my heart leap. Oh god, what am I feeling. Then I felt the butterflies flapped their stupid wings inside my stomach.

"Pssssh. I don't think so. I'm so out of your league love." I responded.

"Yeah. You are." Minutes later Daisy had our food laid in front of us. Daisy was almost leaving our table.

"Hey Daisy, could you just take one photo of us if you could?" Nyx asked her.

"Gladly." Daisy smiled at me. I just smiled for the camera.

Daisy gave the phone back to Nyx. He said his thanks.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's our first date." He said. He knew me a lot for knowing what 'why' I was talking about.

"Oh good. A remembrance of my first date ever." I rolled my eyes. "Let's eat."

We happily ate our dinner. We talked about things about the adventure. If you could hear us you would say we were insane.

"I thought I was gonna die when a pirate took a hold of me. And what's funny is I was wearing a weird onesies." Nyx said. I laughed. I nearly choke on my own saliva.

"Yea, But it's cute. You were wearing a squirrel onesies." I was laughing at the thought. "It's a shame we I had no camera on me."

"Good thing you had no camera on you."
"I swear to the gods, one of these days, I'd snap an embarrassing picture of you love."

"I'm so hot. You wouldn't snap of such picture of me."

"Oh hi big fat ego, we meet again."

Then we started laughing. We love our playful fighting. It's normal. When we were finished eating, we head back home to see mom and RB eating on the kitchen.

"Where have you been?" mom asked.
"We dated." I answered casually.
"You are dating now?" RB asked dumbfounded.

"Friendly." I answered.

"I thought you had gone dating romantically." I looked at Nyx and swear I saw him blush. I took a picture of him. You could see the redness on his cheeks.

"HA! Told you I'd snap a picture of your embarrassing moments." I snorted. "You were blushing!"

"I'm not! It's just cold."

I laughed my butt off. It was priceless.

"I'll go in my room. I am tired." I announced.

Everyone nodded. I went upstairs to my room. I laid on my bed and turned my laptop on.

I posted the picture of Nyx. He was looking down and holding his nape. I captioned it 'love is blushing'. I tagged him that picture. Moments later it was gaining likes and comments.
'Aw. This is a first.'
'He's cute doing it.'
'What did you do to make him blush like that?'
'He really loves you.'
'Is that really Nyx?'
'Aw, she calls him love. He hates that endearment.'
'You would never see him blush. I think he really likes the current girlfriend.'

Bah! What the hell are these guys saying?
'Stop. Its making her head big.' It was Nyx who said that.
'Not really love. I'm really amused at what I am reading here.' It was me. It was really amusing knowing a few things about this dude. But why the hell am I not saying that we aren't a couple?

'Oh really? I didn't know you were amused at me.' -NYX
'Oh gods, stop flirting with me Ty.' -NYX
'Make me.' - ME
'Don't make me go up there.' -NYX
'And do what?'- ME

I was smirking at the thought of Nyx flirting. Oh god, what was I thinking? I was waiting a reply and was reading the people's comment on the picture I posted.

Then Nyx posted another picture, it was me on my bed smirking at my laptop. It was taken on the view of my stairs.

I looked at the stairs and saw him there.

"What the? Why'd you posted that one?"
"Oh come on! It was cute, and as from what I remembered you were the first to do this picture war thingy." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I made him sit on the side of my bed.

"So why'd you come here?" I asked him. I was curious.

"To make you stop flirting?" he answered me.

"I was not flirting with you." I leaned my head on his shoulders.

He took another picture of me leaning on his shoulders.

"Stop taking pictures of me." I could see he was smirking victoriously at me. Oh gods. Could he stop smiling? I can't think normal. This smile isn't helping me. Butterflies had grown into birds and they were gawking my insides. What the hell am I feeling? This is very, very, very new to me.

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