Chapter 27

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MULAN. We were in the story of Mulan. I don’t want this story due to the extensive training and the war. Well, I love it in the book due to the heroism Mulan was showing and for her love of her family but here I am going on the training and uuuuuhhhhhg, I think I was dying.

So I’ve talked to Mulan and said that I knew her secret and I am a girl too. So we helped each other to be better at things we need to be better at. But she is very good on improving and I very suck at it.

One night, after a day worth of training, Mulan and I decided to take a bath in a small creek near the camp. We stripped down and enjoyed the clear cold water of the creek. The moon was shining brightly on the clear dark sky.
Soon after 3 of the guy soldiers appeared. It was Yao, Chien-Po and Ling. At first they were striping and running and jumping and screaming into the water. Then they saw us. They apologized for bullying the two of us because they think we were feminine enough to be women. Well if they knew us better, I think they would shove their ass up to us and tell us that we were all worth fighting for.

We were stunned by the moment. We were girls and we were naked under the water. Yao got up on the tall rocks saying he rocks and he was very proud of himself and we just saw his little buddy down there. Oh my god. My eyes, MY EYEEEEEES!!! God, was I ever going to be able to erase that from my memory?

Luckily, Mushu, Mulan’s little dragon---more like of a small chameleon or a lizard to me (oh don’t say it to Mulan that I said that, she would laugh her butt off and Mushu would get pissed), scared them off.

Mushu swam into the creek. He slithered towards the boys and Ling screamed like a girl. He mistakes Mushu for a snake. They were scared. They were fighting the punching and swaying in the water. Mushu bite Ling to god knows where.

“IT BIT ME!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.” He screamed like a girl. But that screaming was the cue for Mulan and me to disappear. I was thankful that Nyx was not here because we were so naked. I am so naked. I don’t want to see me in that state. Sheesh.



Sorry for this short update.
My phone's Wattpad app have some problems and believe me, i have something saved in my draft but it my app wont let me see it.

It's just blank. So I improvised.
Will update when i installed the wattpad app again whenever I have my hands on a wifi connection or my laptop.

Thanks for the people who vote, comment and read.

Do it again <3


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