Then Naruto ask Sasuke about Lucy. Sasuke was telling them that Lucy will stay by his side no matter what. Sakura was upset knowing that she doesn't have chance to get Sasuke's love because Sasuke love Lucy. Pulling out his sword, Sasuke tells Naruto that while he spared his life last time, he has no qualms about killing him as they no longer share a bond. He attempts to stab Naruto in the back, but the attack is blocked by Sai. Sasuke praises Sai's block but emits Chidori as a current out of his body, repelling both Naruto and Sai and knocking them out. Himeko ask Lucy if they have to interfere their fight which Lucy shook her head. "It's okay, Hime. Nothing serious right now. Don't worry. They will be fine, Himeko." Said Lucy lowly while watching her former team.

Sakura, remembering her vow not to be weak and be able to protect Naruto and bring Sasuke back, attempts to use her Chakra Enhanced Strength to strike Sasuke. Sasuke's Sharingan eyes predicts her movements, and he channels his Chidori into his sword, preparing to attack. Yamato attempts to block the attack with his kunai, but the sword goes through the kunai and Sasuke, criticising Yamato's block, stabs him. Naruto regains consciousness and begins to fall under the influence of the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra, while the First Hokage's Necklace lies on the ground. The fox attempts to communicate with Naruto from within, telling Naruto to remove the seal and use all of its power. Naruto attempts to dismiss the fox, but the fox claims that Naruto has always used his power in his time of need and that without it, he would be weak. Before Naruto can do anything, Sasuke appears, much to his and the fox's surprise.

Sasuke realises that the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is the source of Naruto's true power and is surprised that Naruto had the spirit inside of him. The demon fox is impressed that Sasuke is able to see him inside of Naruto via his Sharingan and remarks that his physical appearance along with his kekkei genkai being much advanced than his years would belie makes him a spitting image of Madara Uchiha from the elder days. Sasuke manages to burst the demon fox's chakra, telling the fox that he does not recognise the name nor does he care. Both the fox and Naruto are astonished that Sasuke was able to suppress the tailed beast's chakra, but before subsiding, he warns Sasuke not to kill Naruto.

In the real world, Naruto awakens back in his normal state as Sasuke looks at him. Yamato uses his Wood Release to force Sasuke's Chidori-enhanced katana out of his torso and attempts to trap him using his Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall technique to form a wooden dome around Sasuke. Sasuke, however, breaks out of the dome, and Team Kakashi is left marvelling at Sasuke's vastly improved skills and strength.

Naruto asks Sasuke why he stays with Orochimaru when the Sannin simply wants his body. Sasuke tells Naruto that both he and Orochimaru were unable to defeat Itachi on their own, but if he could gain the power to kill Itachi and exact his vengeance in exchange for giving his body to Orochimaru, then that would be a price he would be willing to pay. Yamato tells Naruto and Sakura that out of consideration for them, he did not attempt to seriously attack Sasuke, but that he would now resort to those methods in order to bring Sasuke back to Konoha.

Sasuke scoffs at the idea of returning to the village, telling the group that he is done with them. He drops his sword, inserting it into the ground, and performs hand signs to kill them all. As he activates chakra on his body, Orochimaru grabs his hand and tells him not to use that technique. Sasuke rudely tells him to let go of his hand, and Kabuto reprimands him for doing so. Kabuto tells Sasuke that Team Kakashi is to be spared so that they may continue to kill off Akatsuki members, and in doing so, may allow Sasuke a chance to take out Itachi. Sasuke relents which make Lucy and Himeko come over them. Naruto and Sakura were shock to see Lucy who appear next to Sasuke.

"LUCY!" Yell Naruto and Sakura calling Lucy. Lucy was look at them with upset expression. She was decided to greet them before she leave with Sasuke. "Hello, Naruto, Sakura... It's already three years that we meet." Said Lucy calmly. Sakura was trembling looking at Lucy. "Lucy, why you leave the village without telling us? Why you go with Sasuke? Why, Lucy? Tell us. Why?!" Said Sakura in despair. Lucy was sigh sadly knowing that she hurt Sakura's feeling anyway.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. I have my reason. And I hope you understand that, Sakura." Said Lucy quietly. Naruto then look at Lucy. "Lucy, please come back with us. Don't betray Konoha. Please, it's not like you. Come back with us, Lucy." Said Naruto begging her. Sasuke was feel anger that Naruto ask Lucy to come back with them. Even so, Lucy was calm Sasuke which she did it. "I'm sorry, Naruto. I can't. Please forgive me. I have to go now. We will meet again, Naruto... Sakura..." Said Lucy simply. Lucy was nodded over them before they were disappear in flames. Lucy can caught their disappoint face make her upset knowing that she hurt their feelings anyway.

"I'm sorry, guys. I have to stay by his side because I need to save Itachi. You will understand why I do this. I'm sorry, guys." - Lucy

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Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's resolution (Book two) (Sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now