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Kuroo's heart was beating so fast. He knew something was up with the whole situation since he met you. He felt a magnetic pull towards you as he found him enjoying the time he spent with you.

When Alisa told Kuroo about your dark past, Kuroo felt really angry. He didn't like the thought of you getting hurt. And when he heard that you donated blood for him and passed out in the process, he felt so guilty for not being able to protect you.

Kuroo has been inside an emotional whirlwind since he met you. When you woke him up in the stadium, he could see your clear beautiful eyes staring down at him. He wanted to pull you down towards him... but he's not that kind of man.

He studied your red lips, your rosy cheeks, even the little strands of your eyelashes. Maybe it was because he was tired, but you looked utterly beautiful to him until he remembered that he had a fiancé.

The moment you kissed his forehead was a turning point. He realized something was wrong, and his heart went haywire after receiving your soft and gentle kiss. His mind clashed against his emotions and he needed closure.

You: I- I um...

You felt tears pooling in your eyes.

You: Hah... it's been a hard few months for me but I'm trying my best.

You: I only want you to be happy, Kuroo. Of all the things I want in the world is for you to be happy. So don't mind me.

You: And Alisa is like a sister of mine... I can't bear hurting her. I'm happy that you both are together, truly.

Kuroo: I can see you're lying.

You paused for a moment. Ah, of course, you were. You only wanted to convince Kuroo to forget about it. But him pointing out your real emotions made you break down.

You were devastated beyond anything. You waited for him and clung unto his promise. You knew his feelings towards you and you were confident about it... but then he forgot about you, entirely.

All the sweet whispers and the hilarious moments. The time you and Kuroo spent time together was a phantom memory to him. You became, yet again, a stranger to the man you love. How was this not frustrating.

You've been holding onto a million feelings telling yourself that it was alright while knowing that you weren't.

Not answering Kuroo, you turned away from him and cried.

You could feel a warm body pulling you close to his hard chest. Kuroo buried his face in the crook of your neck as you cried.

You didn't know what got into you but you started hitting him. You punched his chest weakly with your fists.

You: Liar! Idiot! Dummy!

You: I love you so much. So freaking much that it's so frustrating!

You: You lied! you told me you'll always wait for me! You said you couldn't live without me!

You:... you forgot about me, Kuroo.

You pushed him away and saw that his eyes were red too.

You: All of our times together, I remembered every single one... and you forgot, leaving me like that... for Alisa.

You embarrassedly looked away from him, clutching your shattering heart. Until Kuroo pulled you and hugged you from behind.

You were sitting on the dirty playground floor, but you didn't mind. Kuroo was hugging you so longingly like this. You wanted to burst out crying again.

Kuroo: I'm sorry... I'm really sorry.

Kuroo whispered apologies into your ears as if the spring breeze was passing by. His voice calmed you down.

You: Kuroo.

Kuroo: Yes?

He was very obedient at the moment. If you ordered him to jump over a bridge, he might just do so.

You: I'll try not to love you anymore...

Kuroo squeezed you harder into his hug. He didn't like that. He didn't like that idea at all.

You: I'm thinking about Alisa.

The thought of his fiancé made Kuroo loosen his grip on you. You sadly sighed in your place. He loves Alisa, that looks obvious enough to you.

You turned around as your face aligned with his, close enough to lean in for a kiss. You grabbed his cheeks and stared into his eyes.

You: I'm your past. A past you can't remember... so just think about your future. Alisa is your future.

You were telling him as if he were a puppy being scolded. Your hands covering his cheeks helped with that impression.

Kuroo: So you're saying now that I can't remember anything about us? I should not have any feelings for you?

You: It isn't right either. You have a fiancé.

His jaw tightened at the statement.

Kuroo: But my body knows you. I can feel how familiar your hug was... and your kiss.

You stared at him. His body remembers you... that was enough, that was enough for you to make a decision.

You: Then let your body forget. In a couple of years, it won't matter anymore.

Kuroo's eyes darkened after listening to you. His whole body went rigid. Still in his embrace, you could sense what he was feeling.

Kuroo: Are you sure?

You: Yes.

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