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One evening, Alisa called you.

Alisa: Y/n! Please, please come eat dinner with us on Saturday.

You: Us?

Alisa: Me and Kuroo, silly.

Oh, right. The engagement.

You: Um... sure?

Alisa: Then 6 pm at the famous sushi restaurant in Ameyako.

You didn't get to reply when she suddenly ended the call. Your heart curled inside your chest before you let out a deep sigh. Even if it still hurts do much, you were slowly getting used to this.

On Saturday, you steeled your heart and got ready for dinner with your two best friends. You promised yourself no to break down at the meeting.

When you got there, Kuroo and Alisa were already waiting for you at a reserved table. Alisa started chatting the group up and happily talked about the things we used to do and what happened at her work.

You mindlessly twirled the straw in you cold ocha before Kuroo called to you.

Kuroo: Are you alright, y/n?

Alisa noticed that you were out of it and also asked if you were fine.

You: I'm fine, just that my dad will be out of rehab in a month.

You tried to find an excuse.

Alisa: Ah... I really hope he got better. I remembered the bruises he left on you every day. You should've told us about it sooner you know.

You: It's all in the past now.

You tried to smile but Kuroo only frowned deeper.

Kuroo: Y/n's dad?

Alisa looked at you, worried until you told her that it was alright to tell Kuroo about your past. As she did, you couldn't help but notice that Kuroo looked angrier and angrier as the story progressed.

Kuroo: But you didn't want to sue or leave him?

I only nodded back at his question. The old Kuroo knew the deeper reasons why but it was irrelevant now to tell old tales.

Alisa: Anyway, let's start tonight's dinner on a happy note.

Alisa brought up her glass and urged us to do a cheer together.

Alisa: To Y/n for coming back safe!

After the dinner ended, you, Alisa, and Kuroo walked around Ameyako Street to look at other street food and entertainment.

The dinner wasn't so bad. It could be worse.

When the three of you were walking the way back, Alisa didn't notice that she was walking through a zebra cross when the lights were still green. A car was speeding on its way to Alisa.

Suddenly Kuroo bolted towards her and pushed Alisa away.

Your eyes widened in realization.

You: Kuroo!

The reckless car driver got out of the car as Alisa angrily cried out to him. The only thing you could do was drop down to your knees beside Kuroo and cry against his chest. Kuroo was still breathing.

You quickly called an ambulance and waited with your anxiety.

The paramedic quickly took Kuroo to the ER, but there were complications. Kuroo lost too much blood and no bloodstock was compatible with his.

You then realized you had the same blood type as Kuroo. You quickly registered to do a blood donation and the hospital took two blood packets from you.

After losing too much blood, you were also registered into the hospital for further check-ups. You were fine if they wanted more blood from you, as long as Kuroo was safe.

When you eventually woke up and got discharged, you went to look for Kuroo. You found him lying pitifully on his bed as Alisa cried beside him.

You patted her back to calm her down. Kuroo looked better than what you expected.

Alisa: I didn't know what to do if he- if he...

You: Shh... he's going to be just alright. It's Kuroo we're talking about.

Alisa let out a laugh signaling that you've calmed her down.

Alisa: Yeah... yes it's Kuroo.

You didn't want to be around the couple too much, so you said that you needed more rest and left them be.

You continued work as usual and informed the manager that Kuroo got into an accident. You still worry about him a lot, but now he has Alisa.


You: Alisa?

Alisa: Can you take care of Kuroo for a while?

You: Alright, I'll finish up my work in a sec.

Alisa: Thank you, bestie!

You smiled at your best friend's cheerful voice and ended work early for the day. It was a nice chance to look at Kuroo's condition by yourself.

You met Alisa inside Kuroo's hospital room and she told you she would be back at night. You told her to be safe and went over to Kuroo's bed.

He looked better already. Alisa said that he'd regain consciousness but he still needed a lot of sleep to heal up.

You: What am I going to do with you?

You sadly looked down at Kuroo and took care of his messy hair.

You: I wish you remembered me... but that will just make things more complicated.

You sadly whispered to Kuroo before kissing his forehead like he usually did to you when you were sick.

You: Get well soon, dummy. I gave you the magic recovery kiss you always wanted.

You laughed silently to yourself. Kuroo's magic recovery kiss worked wonders for you. You just hope you could do the same to him, even if you're not together anymore, you want him to always be healthy.

You set your work bag beside his bed and went out to buy a drink from the vending machine.

Kuroo opened his eyes to see your body disappear.

Kuroo: What was that?

Miss Matched (KurooXReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя