The fortune teller part 2

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"Well I hope now you see that fortune telling is nonsense." Sokka says to us as we walk out of aunt wus place.

"Oh come on sokka, you're only saying that because aunt wu predicted you'd have a miserable life." I tell him.

"Well she was wrong!" He yells at me. "My life will be calm, happy and joyful!"
Right after he said that a plant pot crashed on his head.

"Well that just about proves it." Katara says smugly

"I bet you're only saying that because you had a good prediction." Sokka says to his sister.

"Yes I had a good prediction, some things are gonna turn out very well."

"Why what did aunt wu tell you?" I ask her.

"She said I'll marry someone with a tragic past, I wonder who it could be?" She replies.

I smirk. Zuko. I've never been a zutara shipper but they would be cute together.

"What about you Aang?" She asks the monk "did she say anything about your legend?"

"Well-" Aang begins before I cut him off

"What legend?" I ask, I'm pretty sure there was no legend when I watched it.

"You don't know?" Katara asks me, "the legend can also bend all four elements, and is the soulmate of the avatar."

"So.. aangs soulmate?" I ask

"Yup." She replies.

"Well Aang? Did she say anything about your legend?" I ask him, realising he'd been left out.
"Well she said that my legend was closer than i think and that I'll find her soon." He replies.

"We can help you find her!" I say "how hard can it be to find someone else who can bend all elements?"

"Yeah can't be too hard." Aang replies.

There's never been a legend before, I wonder who it could be, ooh maybe I should see if I can bend, that would be so cool.


We walk over to a place where everyone is crowded around looking at the sky.

"What's with the sky?" Katara asks.

"We're waiting for a cloud prediction from aunt wu, she can tell the villages future by the shape of the clouds." A man explains.

"That cloud kinda looks like a fluffy bunny." Aang points to the sky.

"Yeah it does!" I chime in.

"You better hope that isn't a fluffy bunny, the fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction." The man says

"Oh come on!" Sokka yells. "This whole fortune telling thing is nonsense."

"The cloud reading will tell us if mt mkapu will remain dormant for another year, or if it will erupt." A woman in front of us explains.

"We used to have a tradition of going up to the mountain every year to check for ourselves." The man speaks again " but ever since aunt wu moved to the village 20 years ago, we have a tradition of not doing that."

"I can't believe you would trust your lives to that crazy old woman's superstition!" Sokka hassles the man.

"Sh! She's coming!" I shush him with my finger.

Aunt wu comes up the same steps we took to here and begins to read the clouds from a book.
"Hey ayana! Don't you think that cloud looks like a flower?" Aang asks me but I shush him.

"Bending arrow cloud, good crops this year, nice big harvest.." aunt wu goes on but I zone out.

All of a sudden I hear cheering all around me. Aunt wu must have told them about not being destroyed.

There's a legend now? Avatar fanfiction book oneWhere stories live. Discover now