Chapter two, normal girl, different world?

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* don't worry guys, she will get to the world soon**

The first thing I see when I wake up is my ceiling,a wavy pattern of circles. Never mind that doesn't matter does it.

More importantly what happened to me?
"Ngh anyone there? Mum?" I groan hoping she can explain.

"Sweetie you're okay!" Mum shouts as she almost slips running to get me. "I was so worried, even though there was no injuries, a miracle really, and you were just asleep, but oh I'm so glad you're back!" She squeals at me, hugging me so tight I can barely breath.

Yup, same old mum.

"Explain what happened. Now."I demand, giving my mother a deathly stare to which she looks surprised at.

"Well, I don't know every detail, but you were in a bus accident on your way to school, then some firefighters dug all of you out. After that  you were brought to the hospital and had some tests done but it seemed you were fine just passed out, which is really strange don't you think?  So I brought you home and that's about it." She explains.

"Oh yeah, I do remember something about a bus, and a car" I reply, still dazed. "I'm going to get some sleep now mum, all this talking has made me tired." I say to her, fake yawning so that I can get time to think to myself.

"Alright sweetie, if you need me you know where I am." She replies as she exits the room making kissing noises as she leaves.

Aw, I kinda hoped I'd wake up in a different universe like those fan fictions.  Wouldn't it be so cool to be part of the gang, even get to know Aang? That would be so awesome. I think to myself. Oh well, at least I'm okay,even if I can't remember much about it. Funny how I didn't get hurt huh? I ponder to myself for a bit.
Eh never mind that I should check up on Sam, see if she's fine.
"Ayana, Ayana."

A soft voice wakes me from my sleep.
"Who the heck was that?" I ask, jumping up with a start, knowing it can't be mum or mikey, my brother, way too soft of a voice.

"Ayana, Ayana." The voice croons. "Come Ayana."

Okay I don't know why but I feel like I should follow it, ugh I hate my instincts sometimes. I think as I punch my gut to get back at it for trusting this voice.

I follow the voice down the hall, carefully avoiding mum and Mikey's rooms, and out into the garden, boy I wish I brought warmer clothes, all I had on was a pair of jeans and a shirt sleeved top.

"Ayana, Ayana." I hear the voice say from the bush. "Let me show you something." It says in its odly soft voice .

Weirdly enough, my gut makes me follow it again.
And so I follow this voice into the bush until I look around me and see the bush has turned into a forest, one with a huge whole in the middle, and hardly anything around it.

I scream.

Uh uh, I am getting out of here. I think to myself as I begin to step backwards slowly.
Before I can escape something, I don't know what, pushes me down the huge whole and I fall, whilst screaming my entire head and body off.

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