Makeup crew

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I sat down in the couch on my phone, hearing the makeup girl who was doing Taehyungs makeup, flirting, I thought she was joking when she said 'when are you gonna tell her' so I let that slide, well I am pregnant...



', baby what are you talking about? Did you even tell her?'

'Stop this literally so annoying, and tell her!? Tell her what!? There's no-'

I didn't know what to do..was he saying stop because of me and he didn't want me to know that he could be cheating? or what?

I left the room 

Taehyung: Y/n wait-

I shut the door, getting in the car taking a breather

Hearing Namjoon say 'Taehyung, don't go your gonna be late! You can do that later, I know, ok? I love Y/n too, but what about ARMY' Taehyung took a deep sigh, thinking ' Y/n is always ther for me I can talk it out with her, sec chances, armies only once, but I love Y/n....'

I went in the car and stayed for awhile then went driving around, don't know where I was going, but still just drove, I went  home instead it was getting late anyways.

Taehyung came home later on

Y/n was in the kitchen stirring a batch of cookies  

Y/n's thought: what should I do? I bet he loves her, he loves her! He loves her more than me, look at her just look she is way beautiful, I mean army dosent  know her, but they know me they respect me which I never thought, but what if they respect her more than me, yes I'm pregnant, but wow how beautiful she is way better I just-

Taehyung: Y/n

Y/n: Oh! yes...

Taehyung: I'm sorry about what happened, but I promise I wasn't cheating I fired her, please believe me

Y/n: mhm

Taehyung: huh? Mhm? What does that mean

Y/n: don't...*sighs* I just I don't know

Taehyung: wait? You don't trust me?

Y/n: of course I trust you, but *sighs* just look..look at her she is so beautiful and better at makeup then me, it's fine if you dump me I understand, Taehyung I don't know why you asked me to mar-

Taehyung: no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I would not marry her, I just bleh!, never ever, Y/n what are you talking about, the only reason why I married you and been with you for 24 f* years of my life, was because, you were different in so many good ways, she..she is just ugh! She's horrible and I like it when I hit on you not the other way around, your beautiful and wooooooooh hotter than she is..

She giggled about sniffling 

Taehyung: y/n, I can't imagine me doing that to you with a spider, like a witch, a spider witch

Made her laugh 

He smiled at her

Taehyung: see, I love seeing you smile, you have the best personality, I want my child to have that too

He put his hands over my belly and kissed it

I smiled at him, I really wanted to hug him, but I can't

Taehyung: so please listen, your so beautiful, Y/n

I smiled and He smiled back and kissed me all over

Taehyung: you got me so worried, I'm sorry I didn't run after you though, I'm so sorry

Y/n: it's ok

He smiled once again

I kissed his lips and he then helped me cook the cookies ,

Slowly sliding his hands to my waist swaying us side by side, while he whispered sweet but kinda cringe things, haha

Taehyung: they smell so good

I chuckled 

Taehyung: I love you

I smiled

Gentle🌷✨              {Taehyung Imagines}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum