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Me and Taehyung have had our first newborn, she'd cry a a lot, but a lot of responsibility kicks in once you get the routine, I love holding her while she is sleeping, or peace and quiet, it's the sweetest thing ever seeing her smile in her sleep, she is moral likely is the most cutest daughter I've ever seen. Taehyung got home late because he has been very busy with his new album with the members

Taehyung: Hunny?~

He came quietly in the door

I was on my phone waiting for him while the baby was sleeping peacefully, he came closer to me and kissed me all over my face

Taehyung: Mm! I missed you

Y/n: Taehyung we see eachother everyday

he chuckled

Taehyung then went to the bathroom washing up, he then came into the room snuggling in next to me

Taehyung: what'd ya do without me?

I chuckled softly, his hot breath tickling my neck

Y/n: well I watched the baby and made myself dinner and more or likely a lot of peace and quiet without you I kinda felt alone, but it's fine

Taehyung chuckled softly 

Taehyung: alone? Why's that?

Y/n: know one to talk to or hang around with, but it's ok.

Taehyung kissed your cheek

Taehyung: that's what I like about you

I was confused

Taehyung chuckled

Taehyung: your more or likely to just not care sometimes and kind of go with the flow if it has a good reason

He smiled

I chuckled softly, then heard the baby crying

Y/n: Oh baby...

I carried her close to me, having her lay on my shoulder,

Taehyung took her 

Taehyung: it's ok,

He said and slightly and softly 'booped' her nose 

I chuckled softly making her a bottle with formula and water 

(sorry, if you want to breast feed your child go for it, but I find it disgusting and will not have a little cute do something like that)

I shook the bottle and gave it to her

Taehyung had her in his hands, faced forward and her legs in front of his chest with his hand holding the back of her neck carefully 

Taehyung kept smiling while I fed her

Y/n: I'm tired

Taehyung: aeygo! She so cute

He said in a whispering voice so we don't scare the baby

I chuckled softly

 Taehyung: I love her so much, and you

I smiled

Y/n: what'd you guys do at work?

Taehyung: the members and I?

I nodded

Taehyung: Ah~

He nodded

Taehyung: dance practice and stuff, the usual and a lot with my assistant and my manager 

I nodded while he kept talking about his day

Taehyung: oh! And Namjoon Hyung fell on his butt, it was funny,  here look

He showed me the video of Namjoon

I chuckled trying to hold back my laugh when he showed me the video

The baby was done eating, I took out the bottle and put the bottle away on the desk beside Taehyung because the crib was beside me, he then gave me the baby, and I held her and rocked her to sleep, then put her in the crib

Taehyung: your a good mommy

He pinched the bridge of my nose 

Y/n: haha, ow stop

I said trying to be quiet 

He chuckled and kissed the bottom of my jaw line

Taehyung: goodnight

I smiled

Y/n: Night

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