Burning Sun

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We were on our road trip, Taehyungs hand resting on mine that was on my thigh, I was in my phone watching a movie, 

It was so early we say the beautiful sun, it was red the sky was orange and yellow a mix of beauty and sunset, the suns color was bright red, beautiful .

I took a quick picture of it

Taehyung: send that to me

I looked at him with a smile

Y/n: ok

Taehyung: your beautiful, when your tired, looking 

Y/n: stop being weird 

Taehyung: haha, I'm serious, I love you, your beautiful 

I blushed, trying to hide by distracting myself 

I could see in the corner of my eye, Taehyung smiling at me

Y/n: stop

Taehyung: what? I'm not doing anything

Y/n: your such a tease

He chuckled

Taehyung: the sun is beautiful when it rises and when it sets, but when it's just up, it's like a bright star that gives us light 

I smiled, at his words, agreeing on how true it was

Y/n: you should be a poem

Taehyung: and you should create it

Y/n: and you should...be blank

Taehyung: and you will write in it

Y/n: and..whatever 

Taehyung: ha! 

I smiled

Y/n: Taehyung I'm hungry

Taehyung: hungry? Um...let's see, Exit xxx, ok

He took a turn

I smiled 

Y/n: thank you

He smiled and nodded

Taehyung ordered, I secretly used my credit card, when he wasn't looking

Taehyung: that's weird

Y/n: hm?

Taehyung: my phone didn't get a notification about using my credit card,

He checked his phone to see how much money it had

Taehyung: same amount? How?

Y/n: I don't know, I think I used mine

He clicked his tongue   

Taehyung: Why?

Y/n: I asked, I pay

Taehyung: no

I chuckled 

Y/n: stop being sweet, I want to be that to you no

Taehyung: no, I am sweet and a good boyfriend 

Y/n: so I'm not a good girlfriend 

Taehyung: yes because you paid

I laughed

Y/n: let's take a break, you look tired

He nodded and smiled

Y/n: what?

Taehyung: caring

I jokingly rolled my eyes

Taehyung stopped 

Y/n: I'll watch a movie, do you wanna watch?

He nodded

We watched, and he fell asleep with just a neck resting pillow 

I put my blanket over him, and put his sweater on me, it was big so it felt like a blanket, I kissed his cheek


And saw a small smile

Gentle🌷✨              {Taehyung Imagines}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora