I mean who wouldn't. The most innocent looking girl is actually a sexy fox. I mean whoa! Andy was just staring at her. He pushes up his glasses embarrassed. "Why are you dressed up like that?" He asks curious.

"Oh just to please my man." She hisses. Andy just tilts his head confused. I look at Scott risk my brow with a "What the hell did you do" look. He looks down shaking his head.

A tall buff jock walks to the table wrapping a strong arm around her waist. Ruby giggles, "Oh hey HoneyBoo." Mark just rolls his eyes as he gets up leaving the table.

Andy's eyes slightly darken. And his body tensed. I could tell he felt a bit jealous. "Who is this?" He growls. Trying to keep calm while adjusting his glasses. I knew Andy knew who this jock is since everyone knows everyone here. But I knew he just meant by why the hell is this moron here.

"He's my new boyfriend. I'm going to the dance with him too." She pours venom out of her mouth.

"Hey sugarBee we should leave these losers." The tall jock demands. He must of been from class C or B since I didn't know him.

"Ruby why are you dating Frank?" Andy growls trying to smile.

"Shut up nerd." Frank replies before taking Ruby away.

Andy sighs annoyed before getting his homework out. "What the hell is her problem?" Andy groans.

Scott angrily rolls his eyes. "You're so stupid!" He grabs his backpack before leaving the table.

"Huh?" Andy snots.

I facepalm myself. "This wasn't suppose to happen."

"Yeah, tell Ruby that!" Andy just grabs his stuff stomping off.

I groan while getting my backpack on. I walk out to see Mark waiting for me. "What was that all about?" He asks his country accent getting sharp.

"Uh... It was some really a huge misunderstanding." I shake my head confused.

"Was it really?" Mark smirks.

I shiver before nodding. He lifts up my chin and replies, "I bet you had something to do with this."


"I already knew Ruby and Andy liked each other. I mean it's obvious since we were youngsters. I'm surprised you knew since everyone else was dense."

"You knew!?" I hiss from him confessing to have known.

"Yeah." Mark shrugs.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I quickly attack.

"What? It's not my problem. I'm not Cupid Oreo." Mark replies not seeming to care. Like whoa! Is he like an uncaring person or just really laid back?!

This was sorta a turn off. But I remembered due to him being ill he hasn't been himself lately so I let it slide. "Please. You have to help me and Scott. We want to see Andy and Ruby happy together." I plead with him.

He grumbles before smirking slightly ruffling my hair. "Sure only cause you look cute when you're pleading."

Thank God he agreed but wait! What?! Did he just call me cute?! I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time but still what! Oh geez I'm so confused! But I can't be concentrating on my feelings.

We both sat in my bedroom with Scott. "So why is Ruby you know?" Mark asks while eating strawberries.

"Oh so I told her what happened and how she should confess to Scott. And she was going to but then she witnessed Andy all over Jenny. After that she got really pissed and decided to to make Andy jealous and regret his choices."

"Girls." Mark snorts.

"I know!" Scott groans.

I roll my eyes and then sigh, "What do we do?"

"Sorry but I really think we should wait for them to work it out. Wait until Saturday." Mark states.

Before I could retort he sharply looks at me. "I think we shouldn't mess with fate or how things should fall together. Let's wait and give it some time." Mark smiles.

I sigh and nod. Scott then gasps as he saw my video games.  Being three guys together in one room filled with some of my video games we had to play them.

Mark was pretty mysterious. He confuses me greatly so I really hope to understand him soon. If only if was that easy.


Yaaaaay update! Please tell me what you think and don't forget to vote Cx

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