"I am perfectly fine. Go and get ready quickly."

"No. Something is seriously wrong with you. If not, why would you ask me out so suddenly?" She exclaimed.

"For your information, I didn't ask you out. I just want to take you out for a casual dinner." I said calmly without looking at her.

She stared at me intently for a while and went inside the washroom while shaking her head.

To give her some privacy, I went downstairs after collecting my wallet and car keys.

After reaching there, I took my place beside my Grandpa who was listening to some old songs from his ancient radio with his eyes closed.

Without disturbing him, I leaned backward, rested my head on the top of the back pillow, and started gazing at the ceiling in a daze.

I came out of my reverie when grandpa nudged me. I straightened myself and shifted my gaze to Aarna who was informing mom about us going out.

She was talking while moving her hands expressively with a bright smile on her face. She wore a maroon-colored simple salwar suit which complemented her skin tone and making it look even fairer than usual.

Thinking about this, I never once saw her dressed up in an exaggerating manner till now. She always wears modest dresses and her makeup-free look always gives a refreshing feel.

Anyone can spend their time gazing at her serene face which is always adorned with a bright smile. She is really a perfect girl that anyone could ever ask for. She can be mature, caring, silly, childish, and innocent at the same time.

'How good it will be if I am capable of loving her,' I thought in my mind while looking at her without blinking my eyes

No one would feel bored in her company but sometimes, when I look into her eyes, I felt like she too has some untold tales and her smile carries an unyielding pain.

But every time that thought came to my mind, I always told myself that was impossible. She is a carefree soul. I don't think she has problems in her life as she has a good and loving family, understanding friends..etc. She didn't lack anything.

So it might be just my imagination.

I was so busy admiring her, I didn't even notice when she came and stood in front of me. She was looking at me with her silly smile while folding her hands to her front.

Everything was decent until she decided to open her stupid mouth.

"I know I am pretty and cute but you don't need to drool over my face in front of everyone."

Hearing this, everyone around me burst out into peels of laughter, and being embarrassed, I glared at her for having no filters while talking.

Without paying any heed to their teasing glances, I stormed out with my car keys and I could feel her following me while giggling like a teenager.

Even after we got settled in the car, she kept on giggling at me. Feeling irritated, I glared at her and warned

"Open that damn mouth again and see what I will do with you,"

These words shut her up immediately but I could still hear her muffled laughs. Though I was annoyed, I chose to ignore her as it was of no use.

I took her to the Royal paradise hotel and after parking the car, I got down and went to her side to open the door for her but before I could it, I heard someone calling my name.


So I turned around and after catching sight of that person, I closed my eyes and mentally cursed my luck.

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