Meeting the space time witch

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(Y/n)'s Pov.

"Hurry they're getting away!" One of the soldiers called out. Keaai's grip got tighter on my hand. Pulling me with her and started to run faster. They were catching up, I couldn't let that happen I picked her up and ran even faster to lose them. We reached the control room. She shut all the doors and turned on the emergency system to buy us more time.

"Come on (Y/n). We're leaving this place." The little girl walked up to me and grabbed my hand again interlocking our fingers together. As her circle of magic appeared under our feet and we disappeared with a bright flash of pink light.

When we reappeared in a new place it was raining, infront of us there was a black haired woman. Her hair was in a high ponytail with black and white accessories matching with her black dress. "I've been expecting you." Her voice was calm yet it held authority and filled with wisdom. Keaai spoked after "Are you the space time witch, Yuko?" She looked at Keaai and turned to give me a quick glance at me for a moment, analyzing us with her sharp eyes. "I am." This pleased Keaai. "Then can you grant my wish?" She asked. "Yes, we talked about this before but you know there is still a price for your wish. Do you still want to continue?" Before? Keaai what are you up to?

"Yes, no matter what. I wish for the promise that I made to (Y/n) becomes true. " I was shocked, why would she do that kind of wish. Why me? I don't understand. So much trouble for such a promise? The witch closed her eyes as of she was thinking about something then opened them. "Very well, the price of your wish will be all your magic. You'll have to go back to your world. (Y/n) will travel to different worlds without you." I was about to speak until Keaai cut me off. "I accept."

Suddenly a pinkish aura surrounded her and started to go away like smoke. The aura formed into a small ball and floated towards the witch and disappeared when she snapped her fingers. I turned to Keaai with tears in my eyes, I didn't think I was able to cry in such a way. Or even cry in the first place. Keaai always loved her magic, she was one of the few people who could do magic in our world. She was proud of her gift. Why did she had to pay the price? She looked back me and spread her arms out. "Come here." I kneeled down to hug her. "I don't want to leave. I don't wanna leave you. What will happen when you go back?" I tell her. "I know, but you know you have to. I want you to. They won't hurt me. Remember my promise to you." I buried my face onto her shoulder. "Don't worry I'll be fine." She hugged me tighter. "I'll miss you very much." She let me go. "I'll miss you too. One day we'll meet again. Okay? "

With a wave of the witch's hand her circle of magic appeared. Even if she told me to say I couldn't help but run after her. I didn't reached her after a blinding light hits my eyes. I look back she was gone. The rain seemed to pour harder. I look back at the witch she's been in the same spot it, her back faced me. I looked around there were a lot of buildings, the witch's house was the one who stood out the most. On the porch there was a boy with black hair and blue eyes with glasses. He also had a school uniform, like those anime movies that Keaai liked watching so much. Along with him two little girls they seemed around Keaai's age. Both girls wore opposite outfits one with two long blue hair pigtails was a dark shirt and pants, boyish too and other with short pink hair had a white dress and girlish. The boy with them seemed shocked to see me before I could figure him out the witch spoked "They're coming."

With that a boy appeared like if the sky put him down in a liquid substance. He seemed tired and bruised. Yet he had desperate look on his face at least that's the emotion Keaai told me it looks like. He asked the same question Keaai asked . "Are you the space time witch?" She nodded. "I have been called that."

"Would you please....I need you to save Sakura!" He begged. The witch asked for his name and found out his is Syaoran. He was carrying a girl. Both looked a few years older than Keaai but they were still young.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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