f o r t y - n i n e

Start from the beginning

And you knew that, didn't you? But it was his fault, this time. He should've paid attention to the dates of your appointments. That was his responsibility- not yours to remind him.

And while he was in the midst of his pity party? You felt bad for being so petty. And so ready to apologize and break the news about the baby, you headed back down.

He heard your steps and stood quickly trying to make himself look busy. Pressing his turned-off phone to his ear he rushed to rub the tiredness out of his eyes. "Hey--"

"I'm going to E's," he said quickly. You frowned. He headed to the door and you followed him. "Yeah, I'll-- I'll be right there." He felt stupid talking to no one and pretending.

"Oh-- for what?" you asked, watching him pull shoes on. He shrugged.

"Work." You shook your head to yourself. You really thought you should apologize.

"Okay." He nodded, looking at you for a moment before opening the door. "What about di--"

"Don't wait for me." You rolled your eyes as he headed out. You didn't even say bye as you locked the door behind him, not bothering to wait for him to leave your line of sight before heading up. You always did that. But looks like things were changing up.


"I don't fucking know, maybe if you came by more often, things would be in order, Ethan," Gray grumbled. Ethan frowned.

"Dude, it's fucking fine?"

"No, it's fucking not, ev--" Gray stopped as a little figure entered her father's office. "Hey, Elle," Gray mumbled.

She rubbed at her eye with her fist, her stuffed chicken under her other arm. E smiled. "Hey, princess-- isn't it bedtime?"

"Can't sleep, daddy," she whispered, walking in, looking at them. They both softened at her presence. "So loud," she said with a yawn, crawling into Ethan's beanbag. The twins glared at each other.

"You fuck--" they began at the same time. E/W pushed the door open farther open and leaned against the doorframe. Gray gave her an apologetic smile and she laughed softly.

"Let's try again, honey," she whispered, reaching out to her daughter. Elle nodded, not making a move to get up. E/W sighed as Gray and E turned to each other and then back to the screen. "You ask them to be quiet?" They looked back at them, Elle on e/w's hip with her thumb in her mouth.

"Sh?" she asked. Ethan and Gray both nodded. "Bye bye, guys," she mumbled, using the newest word in her vocabulary.

"Bye, pumpkin." They left and e/w gave them a look before closing the door behind her. "Shut the fuck up."

"You're the one fucking yelling at me," Ethan mumbled, picking up his pen. "You been yelling at y/n too?" Gray looked up.

"Mind your own fucking business." E stopped mid sign and looked up.

"Is that a yes, dude?" Gray didn't even respond. There was no way he could lie or beat around the bush with Ethan. "Grayson."


"She's pregnant, dude," E said with a sigh, the a and n in his name missing, as well as his last name. "Her hormones are already all over the fucking place."

"Can you shut the fuck up?"

"You're gonna really upse--"

"Is she your wife?" Gray asked. Ethan shut up. "Yeah, fucking shut up." Ethan shook his head.

"Go home, dude." Gray looked up.


"You're too out of it to get anything done right now and I bet on the fate of our company that you've got some apologizing to do to that girl." Gray rolled his eyes. "Grayson."

"She should've fucking called me before her appointment; it's not my fault I didn't know," he mumbled. Ethan's eyebrows raised as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Or forgot-- I have a shit ton to do at work with you gone all fo the fucking ti--"

"You forgot and then yelled at her for it?" Grayson stood.

"Fuck off." Ethan sighed and shook his head as Grayson grabbed his phone. "We're going on our-- we're going on vacation for a fucking week and you better get everything together while I'm gone," he said, pointing to his twin.

"Yeah, and you better fix shit with your fucking wife, dude." Gray didn't say anything as they walked out of E's office together and to the front door. "Where are you going?"

"Bahamas," Gray mumbled, lacing his shoes for the short walk home. Home.

"Okay." They did their handshake and E sighed, looking at his twin. "Just fucking be nice to her-- she's carrying your kid."

"I know how to live my life, E."

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