First Day

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( takes place on monday, so two days after the last chapter)

over the weekend, i had called up the school and they were happy for me to start today. It was better to go to school, anyway, to 'cover my tracks' in a way. Being a teenager and not being in school might draw some unwanted attention. i had just taken a shower, and dried my hair. I found a hairdryer in the wardrobe, so that was helpful.

i was wearing (an outfit you like) and i was about to leave. it was obviously my first day, so if anyone asked about my parents, i would just say that they're out of town. i had brought some simple school stuff from the shops yesterday; a few black pens, a pack of pencils, a note book, and a few plain textbooks, for my school work. i had also bought some stuff for me to have for lunch. more fruit and a few sandwiches. i had a banana this morning, so i wasnt that hungry.

leaving my room, making sure to take my room key, i went down the lift, to the ground floor. it was relatively quiet in the lobby, which was a nice surprise. i put on my headphones, and played dream girl by crisaunt.

i started walking don the street, in the direction of the school. i had gone for a walk on Saturday, so i was a little familiar with my surroundings. the walk was pretty short, but something wasn't right.

there were vans all around the school, along with cameras, and what looked like news reporters. what the fuck happened here?

people were whispering about a murder, and i suddenly felt worried. What if someone found them? what if everyone was waiting for me to get here so they could arrest me? i mean, i doubt it, but there's no harm in being cautious.

i went into the office, where a few teachers were stood. i walked up to one of them, taking a deep breath.

"Hello, im (Y/N). im new and i need my schedule and locker number." i said to the lady at the front desk, smiling lightly.

"yes, i have your schedule here, and your locker number is at the bottom." she said, handing me a piece of paper. my first class was english, which was not a favorite subject of mine. pretty boring. the teacher took me into the class. inside, there were a few students, and it seemed that not everyone was there yet. i walked over to the teacher, who was sat at his desk. 

"hello sir, im new, and i don't know where to sit."

"ah yes, hello ms..." he said, waiting for me to tell him my name.


"(Y/N), you can sit over there, next to Stuart." the teacher said, pointing to a boy who was sat in one of the far corners, tapping his pen on the table. upon hearing is name, he looked up, signalling that he was Stuart. Even though he was sat down, i could tell that he was tall. he had a rather handsome face, too. i nodded to the teacher, walking over to the seat. i pup my bag on the floor, pulling out a notebook and pen, waiting for class to start. then, i felt a tap on my shoulder. looking to my left, i saw, who im guessing, was Stuart.

"Hi, im Stu."

On The Lam ~ Stu Macher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now