New Town

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The bus journey was pretty long, over an hour at least, and it eventually stopped right outside of a hotel. perfect.

hopping of the bus, i walked towards the hotel sign. the prices were pretty cheap, so that was good. But that probably meant that the rooms would be pretty shit. Oh well. its all i have for now. i walked inside, pulling out my wallet, that was previously my mums. while i was on the bus, i put all of the money i had into the wallet, so i wouldn't have to carry it loose. 

i walked up to the front desk, where a woman at behind a table, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. Her tag read, 'Jess'. (sorry if thats your name lol) 

"uh, excuse me.." She looked up at me, "id like to book a room." she pulled her chair forward, grabbing a pen, ready to write down my booking.

"alright, how long will you be staying with us?" she was eyeing me up and down, probably questioning why i was there.

"a week, please." i was probably going to stay longer, but ill wait to see what happens.

~time skip, because i don't know how hotels work~

 i reached my room, number 32, and stepped inside. it was pretty nice. the walls were a nice shade of blue, and the bed had a white bed sheet with a matching blue throw and 4 pillows. there was a large wardrobe in the corner, and a tv on the table, and the tv had a VHS player. the remote was next to a small coffee machine. the bathroom was next to the door, with a bath/shower, and a toilet, of course.

what the fuck have i gotten myself into.

i started to unpack my small amount of stuff. putting the clothes in the wardrobe, my phone, charger and headphones on the table, along with my food. Luckily, i had bought an 'all inclusive' room, so i would be able to get food tomorrow. damn, for the price i paid, this is pretty good.

i threw my teddy on the bed and turned on the TV, watching the news. just to be sure they haven't found my parent yet. Luckily, nothing came up. But it won't be long until someone finds them. oh well.

i was thinking about going to the school my parent had put me in, Woodboro high. even though im on the lam, education is still important. ( stay in  school, kids)  plus, it might throw people off my scent. it would seem pretty suspicious if a teen girl was seen not in school.

the school was no more than a walk away, so i wouldn't have to waste money on the bus. i would need it all to pay for the room. my parent had pretty good jobs here, so they had quite a lot of cash. which works out well for me. but eventually, i might have to get a small part time job just in case.

turning off the TV, i went and set an alarm for 9am, and went soundlessly to sleep.

i didnt dream of anything that night.

On The Lam ~ Stu Macher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now