New Friends

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"(Y/N)" i said, not really knowing what else to say.

a few seconds passed. Not enough to make it awkward, but enough for me to feel the need to say tomething.

"So uh, what are all the cameras outside for?" i asked him, keeping me eyes on my notebook.

"Some girl and her boyfriend were murdered last night." He said, seeming too calm about the situation. 

"Christ. What a great way to start my first day.." i said back sarcastically, twirling my pen in my hands. he turned to me again before asking,

"so where are you from then, new girl? and why'd you come here?" he joked, seeming genuinley intreseted. 

"im from (h/t) in (h/c), and i moved here cuz' of, ehh, money problems.." i said, coming up with a reason on the spot. i realising after that i said i instead of we, making it seem as if i moved alone ( which i did, but he doesnt need to know that) he nodded his head, and opened his mouth again, to ask me another question, probably, but then the bell rang, and class started. 

all throught the class, students were taken out one by one, to be questioned about the murder that happend last night. They called me out into another room for questioning.

there were two policeofficers, one of which introduced himself as Sherriff Burke. They asked me a few questiones, about when i moved here, if i knew Casey, and if i might know who could have done it. All of which i anwered truthfully. They sent me back to class, and Stu was questioned after me.

~ after class, so an hour later. ~

The ball rung again, and after an hour of a topic that i didnt know nor care about, i packed up my few things and headed fo the door. Taking a quick glance at the schedule. I had maths next. Looking up and quickly scanning the hallway, i spotted Stu. seeing as he was the only person i knew, it only seemed logical to ask him where my next class was. Quickening my pace slightly, i caught up with him.

"uh, hey Stu. i was wondering if you could tell me where maths is?" i asked, not wanting to annoy him. He looked at my schedule and told me that we had the same class, and offered to show me. which i gladly accepted. Well he seems nice enough so far, so until i find other friends, i guess ill stick with him.

after a minute or so of walking, he suddenly said, 

" seeing as you're new and all,  you can come sit with me and my friends at lunch, if you wanted to of course." chuckeling slightly at the end of his sentence.

" yeah thanks, that would be great." i said, smiling slightly up at him. and then, after a minute or so of walking, we were at the classroom

~ time skip to lunch cuz im l a z y ~

class was over, and it was now lunch. following behind Stu, we made it into the courtyard. around the center, there wall a small-ish fountain with three people sat at it. If im guessing correctly, these were his friends.

walking up to them with me behind him, he said, 

"Hey guys, may i introduce you to my new friend, (Y/N). Say hello, state your name.." he said, guesturing to me, and then to them. he then took a seat to the blonde girl.

"Hey, im Sidney. nice to meet you." the brown haired girl said, giving me a kind smile. I gave her a small wave. The girl next to her spoke next,

"im Tatum." she said simply, also smiling at me. From the way that she and Stu interacted with eachother through this conversation, they were dating. damn.

The last of the group spoke up last, just stating his name. I could also tell that him and Sidney were a thing. I introduced my self too, and sat inbetween Stu and Sidney. i pulled out an apple from my bag, tossing it between my hands a few time, and then took a bite. We all talked for a few minutes before another boy showed up. He said hello and told me his name was Randy, and sat down at the end of the fountain.

it seems that now they had now started a conversation about the recent murders.

On The Lam ~ Stu Macher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now