"Ooh, good choice," Kat's eyes grew with excitement.

"Perfect," Alex mumbled.

"Sounds good," Reggie muttered.

"Sounds good? Dude, wake up! I wanna hear, 'it sounds awesome!' I know this isn't how we wanted things to turn out, but we gotta be all in tonight. This is our second chance at playing the Orpheum!" Luke yelled.

"I... I get it, I get it, but it's hard. Do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over? Do we all still get to hang together? You...you guys are the only family I have," Reggie said. Kat frowned.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't know what's gonna happen either, but... it's not like we have a choice," Alex said.

A jolt went through each of the boys, but Kat didn't get one. She looked down at her hands that were shaking, as the boys groaned in pain. Her right hand, seemed to be...gone, and then it came back. She gasped, but hid her hand in her pocket. What was that?

"I'm pretty sure we do," Reggie said. "And it rhymes with the Hollywood Ghost Club,"

The doors opening, made the four ghosts turn to look at Julie, who was oblivious to what just happened.

"Are you ready?" she asked, and when no one responded she grew worried. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex explained.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little," Reggie said, and Kat, who was holding his right hand, let go of it, with a disgusted look. He pouted, and grabbed her hand back. She smiled.

"But we're fine," Luke said.

"Actually guys, I'm a little nervous," Julie said. "Luke, uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Julie asked, and Luke went over to her. Kat squealed internally, and turned to Reggie and Alex.

"Why didn't you get a jolt like the rest of us?" Alex asked. Kat shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Reggie asked. "Are you in pain?"

"Y-yeah! No! Actually I don't feel any pain...at all," Kat smiled up at him, and he let out a breath of relief, until he but his lip, with a more worried expression.

"Guys! Band circle," Luke said, making the three ghosts walk toward he and Julie.

"We don't know what brought us here, but..." Luke began. "What we do know is, you're a star Julie. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above...or..." Luke looked down at the ground, and Julie chuckled. "Now let's go rock this show," Luke said.

"Let's kick some—" Reggie held his hand over Kat's mouth with an innocent smile. Kat pushed it away. "I was gonna say booty," she frowned.

"Right," Alex mumbled.

"Let's give them a night that they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up okay?" Luke exclaimed, making them all laugh. "Legends on three."

"One!" Alex said.

"Two," Reggie and Kat said together. Kat was sure to put her left hand in.

"Three," Julie finished.

"Legends!" they shouted.

"That's my dad. He's driving me there, so, I'll see you guys soon," Julie smiled, walking away. She turned to look at them once more.

"Have a good show boy band! And pretty girl that I don't know!" Carlos came into the garage clapping his hands. Reggie's mouth hung open in surprise and mock jealousy.

Kat (JATP: OC x Reggie)✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat