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Liu didn't fit in with the other inmates, the main difference was that he was actually innocent for what he was in their for.

After a few days Liu decided to try and find someone to talk to. He approached someone about his age who was sitting alone.

"Hi, I'm Liu"

"H-hi, I'm T-Toby" He said back to Liu, slightly confused about why he had approached him.

"So.. umm... Why are you in here?" Liu asked nervously.

"I-I was b-blamed for m-my sister's death in a c-car crash, what about you?"

"My brother got into a fight with someone and almost killed them. I took the blame for it because my brother has anger issues and I was scared he would be sent away." Liu answered.

"Oh so we are b-both in here for something we d-didn't do?"

"Yeah, I guess"

Liu and Toby were quite awkward at first but they soon became good friends.

After about a week after he met Toby, Liu was released because of false accusation.

"So why did you say you did it?" The officer asked Liu as they were driving.

"I don't know..." Liu answered

"About a week after you were arrested, your brother admitted it was him."

"He has had anger issues since he was 4 and I was scared he would be sent to a mental hospital or something."

"Well that's very kind of you but you don't need worry about that, he wouldn't be sent away. Speaking of your brother, he is in hospital so we are going straight there."

"What?! Why?!!?"

"I wasn't told, all I know is that I need to take you there because Jeffrey is in hospital." After the officer said that the conversation ended.

They arrived at the hospital and the officer left Liu with his parents, he wished them good luck and said he hoped Jeff had a quick recovery, walked out of the hospital and drove away. A few minutes later a doctor called them over.

"He has had his bandages removed and everything seems to have been healing properly. In here" The doctor said gesturing to one of the rooms.

Liu (Homicidal Liu re-write)Where stories live. Discover now