Well Shit.

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I left the front doors of my school, not very excited to get home. It was Friday, which meant a whole weekend. At home. With my parents. Shit.

My parents were ok, but they got angry at each other a lot. They would get real fucking loud. They never really yelled at me though, which is okay. My dad would yell for the smallest of reason, and my mum would never defend herself. Thats how its always been.

We moved here about a year ago. My parents couldn't afford the rent for our old house, so we moved here. Since we moved, though, my parents got better paying jobs. My Mum is a Carer, and my Dad is a mechanic. The house we got was pretty cheap, but it just meant we had to move halfway across the world. although, that might have been decided because my aunt, on my mums side, recently passed so she wanted to get away. i guess this was just a good oportunity. Our new-ish house has 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, and a kitchen that lead on the the living room. I had to leave my few friends in (h/t) behind, and arrived in California.

although, we were thinking of moving to this place called Woodboro because my dad said that they had better garages for him to work in. They had gotten me a place at their school, so i would be ready if we moved.

And, here we are. I pulled my keys out of my coat pocket, and opened the door. My dad was on the sofa, bottle of beer in hand. Ah. So he's drinking again. The car wasn't in the driveway, so i guess mum is still working. I drop my bag by the door, and go straight to my room, shutting the door behind me. My room was pretty plain, i couldn't bring much from the old house. a small dresser was on one wall, a small jewelry box sat on top, with a small reading light. my bed on another wall, and a window at the other. The walls were (F/C) , and a pair of paper-thin white curtains in front of the window. Eh, pretty boring, but i don't mind.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, i sat on my bed, and put on some music.

~~ time skip, about 1 hour ~~ 

I heard the front door close. Guess mums home. i turned my phone off, and went down stairs. Mum had brought a bag of shopping. Inside was a bottle of milk, a pack of bread, and some apples. I grabbed and apple, saying hello to my mum as i walked passed. i went back up to my room, taking a bite of the apple as i went.

i sat back down on my bed, letting my music play once again. 

about half an hour went by, when i started to hear dad's voice. I couldn't quite tell what he was saying, but i could tell he was shouting. Mum, for once, started to shout back, leaving me to bask in the glory off their muffled shouts. this carried on for about 20 minutes, when i heard glass shatter. uh oh. everything went silent. 

i paused my music, slowly, and as quietly as i could, opened my door. I peered down the stairs, to see a pretty horrific sight.

my dad was holding the handle of the beer bottle, the rest has shattered. Right on my mums head. She was collapsed on the floor, blood pooled around her. there were glass shards all over the floor, 

and one going straight through my mums neck.

i slowly turned towards my dad. what the fuck...

"what the fuck have you done.... " i whispered, tears almost spilling from my eyes. he looked at her body, then at me, and chuckled coldly.

"the bitch deserved it, she never knew when to shut up."

oh, you've fucking done it now, (D/N)

Anger. that's all i could feel. my mum was the only person in my life worth staying around for. she was the only one who really cared about me. 

i ran at my dad, and shoved into the floor as hard as i could. running quickly into the kitchen, grabbing a small knife from the block and charged towards my dad. as he struggled to get back on his feet, i kicked him down once again. he grabbed my ankle and pulled we onto the floor next to him. in the heat of the moment, i twisted towards him quickly, plunging the knife into his neck. he grabbed at his now bleeding throat as blood started to trickle out his mouth, before his hands went limp around his neck and his eyes went dark, and he stopped moving.


well then.

that's not what i was meant to do today. 

Kill my dad.


what do i do now?

and why did it feel good?

killing people isnt supposed to feel fun.


i have to leave. i am not going to prison at the ripe old age of 17..

i ran to the front door, grabbing my school bag and threw everything from inside it. i put in 2 apples, a pack of crisps, a granola bar, a banana, and two bottles of water. and the knife. it has my fingerprints on it, so it's probably not a good idea to leave it here. ill get rid of it properly later.

i went upstairs, grabbing my phone, charger, headphones, and my duffle bag from my dresser. I stuffed in whatever clothes i could get my hands on. i went into my wardrobe and threw on my black walking boots. just as i was about to leave, i spotted my childhood teddy on my bed. making a quick descision, i threw them into the bag too. i went back downstairs with my bags, and grabbed my parents wallets from the kitchen. i threw one in the bag, and the other in my pocket. i threw my school backpack into the bigger one too. i grabbed my keys from the table, threw on a black zip-up jumper, and opened the door.

i looked back, taking one last glance at my mum, i said,

"im sorry mum, i love you." another single tear falling from my face, and i wiped it away quickly. i felt horrible just leaving her there, but.. what can you do, i guess? 

i left, making sure to turn the location on my phone off, and went to to the nearest bus stop. the next bus would arrive in about 6 minutes, so i sat down, and waited.

it arrived soon enough, and the front of the bus said it went to Woodboro. so, this was the town we were moving too. wow, how conveniant.

" a single ticket to Woodboro, please"

On The Lam ~ Stu Macher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now