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|| From Navy HQ to the Goa Kingdom! ||

Sengoku sat in his office back at the Navy HQ quietly. No one had bothered to disturb him, which he was thankful for since he needed to be alone with his thoughts.

The entire ride back to Navy HQ was tense. For him, at least. The Government had finally decide to close down the whole event that had happened on Minion Island, and Sengoku couldn't complain.

The boy they rescued knew Rosinante, and the boy suffering from White Lead Syndrome. It was pretty clear in his harsh tone when Sengoku first met him that he wasn't going give up the other boy's location.

But, that didn't matter to Sengoku. True, he knew the boy they rescued would be mentally wrecked, even if he already suffered a breakdown or not.

All Sengoku wanted was for the boy to be okay. He promised Rosinante he would look out for him, whether the boy wanted Sengoku's care or not.

"Sengoku-san?" A woman's voice said from outside his office's doors. Sengoku looked up from his cup of tea, not realising that he was staring into it while lost in thought.

"Ah, yes, Tsuru-chan?" Sengoku quickly collected himself as the woman walked in. She stood relatively tall, her silvery-blue hair pulled back in a ponytail, her arms crossed. Her coal-black eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly once they landed on Sengoku's figure.

"It's that punk you brought back with you," she said, although she didn't mean what she called the boy as an insult. "He's up. I believe you might want to go talk to him?"

Hearing the news, Sengoku abruptly stood from his seat. "He is? Is he okay?!"

Tsuru looked down, her arms falling to her sides. "He's been through a lot, Sengoku-san. He won't tell us anything, but maybe... maybe you should give it a try."

Understanding what she meant, Sengoku let out a sigh. "I understand, Tsuru-chan. Mind showing me to his room?"

She shook her head, making her way out of his office as he followed her, grabbing his naval jacket that hung off the back of his chair.


Daisuke sat on the bed in the room he awoke in, knees pulled to his chest, head buried in them.

He knew he was probably at the Navy HQ, judging by all the soldiers that had entered his room, asking him questions.

The only answer they got out of him was either a scowl, or him telling them that he was fine.

Which was obviously a lie.

How could he possibly be fine? He wouldn't tell them, but he suffered at least a few mental breakdowns during the time gaps where he was alone.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. His head shot up, his eye glaring at it. His wounds had been professionally taken care of, but the doctors explained that he was partially blind.

Daisuke knew that information already, however. He figured it out on his own. But the way the doctors-no, the way everyone had been treating him like a little kid was starting to piss him off.

So what if he looked like a kid? He definitely didn't act like one. His actions with the Donquixote Family, his actions with the unnamed Shichibukai proved that. Although, he wouldn't tell the Navy that.

"Can I enter?" A familiar male voice said from the other side of the door. Daisuke simply huffed, looking away. It was probably another soldier trying to get information out of him.

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