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|| Cora-san and a Friend ||

Daisuke was thinking to himself as he sat in his room. His mind kept wandering to Law, and he sort of believed he understood why.

Corazon hadn’t returned yet from the mission Doflamingo sent him on, but Daisuke knew he was fine. He may be clumsy and a major idiot at times, but he was surprisingly strong.

Daisuke’s room was dark, for night had returned again. Daisuke sat at his desk, his bed was next to him, still made from a few nights ago.

Daisuke still didn’t sleep well at night. He continued to have frequent nightmares, and who could really blame him? He’d been through a lot for only being twelve.

Daisuke tapped his pen on the blank sheet of paper that sat in front of him on the dark, maroon-coloured desk. He had been sitting here for over an hour now, unable to keep one tram of thought going for long.

His baby den den mushi sat in the corner of the desk, sleeping peacefully. The den den mushi always confused Daisuke. They were snails, real, living snails, yet they were also communication devices.

Is the snail aware that it’s basically a phone? Is it somewhat sentient?

Daisuke laughed to himself as he realised what he was contemplating. He then let out a sigh, leaning back in his seat. He was worried about Law. He didn’t have a room in the crew house, which is where Daisuke’s room was, since he wasn’t part of the Donquixote Family.

Daisuke ran his hands through his hair as he set his pen down. His eyes wandered to the baby den den mushi, wondering if Corazon would decide to call him or not.

He then looked to the window that was on the wall in front of where he was seated. It was night, a full moon. Clouds blocked out the stars, but the moon’s light still peeked through.

The flames from the waste processing plant were burning brightly, acting like street lamps. The exhaust they pumped flushed into the air, polluting it.

Daisuke turned to his side, seeing his bed. The sheets were grey in colour, just like the rest of the room. There was a wardrobe on his other side, right next to the desk. Next to the bed, however, was a small bookshelf that had pencils, pens, paints, and paintbrushes decorating the top.

Daisuke’s jacket was hanging off the back of the chair, and his knives and scarf were still on his person. He only really ever takes them off to sleep or shower, but since he wasn’t doing either of those things, he didn’t bother to remove them.

Ring... ring... ring...” the baby den den mushi suddenly started ringing, immediately bringing Daisuke’s attention to it. The snail was black in colour, and its shell was red. It looked a lot like Daisuke’s jacket.

Daisuke stared at the snail’s focused, blank eyes before looking over his shoulder at his door. It was closed, locked even. Daisuke hated it when someone would barge in unannounced, aka Buffalo, so he always kept his door closed.

Seeing that the situation was safe, Daisuke answered the mushi. “Oi,” he simply said into the snail after picking it up and resting it in his palm.

The other end was silent for an uncomfortably long time. “Harbinger,” Doflamingo’s voice suddenly surged through, the snail mouthing what he said. “Boss.” Daisuke replied, his tone instantly going dull.

Doflamingo only called Daisuke on his den den mushi for two reasons. Either he needed to discuss information privately, or he was giving Daisuke details about his mission.

There was a dark chuckle from Doflamingo’s end. “I had a feeling you would still be up.”

Daisuke simply hummed, setting the mushi back down in its spot on his desk. “What is it that you need, Boss?”

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