14- A Normal Day

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Kulve is just sitting down while watching the kids play.

Kulve: 'These kids are the way too loud. I need to sleep!'

Silva: Tag your it!

She then runs off with Brittney as Jack chases them. Some younger dragons decided to play with the kids making the room even louder.

The parents watch in amusement as Kulve's patience is going way down.

Kulve: 'What kind of stuff does Alatreon go through for these kids.'

Fatalis: Sup

Kulve: Sup

Suddenly, Kulve looks back in shock. She jumps moves back in complete fear.

Kulve: Geez you scared me.

Fatalis: Hahahahaahhahahahah.......

Kulve's eyes twitch as the other kids laugh with him.

Fatalis stops laughing and looks at the kids.

Fatalis: What are you brats laughing at!?

The kids stop and back away in fear.

Silva: I'm not scared of you!!!

Fatalis: Oh really?

Fatalis moves his face closer to hers. Fatalis licks his maw while looking at her.

Fatalis: Care to say that again?

Kulve: Leave her alone Fatalis.

Fatalis looks at her with a glare.

Fatalis: I don't take orders from you.

Silva: You take orders from Alatreon.

Fatalis looks at her in amusement.

Fatalis: Ha! That weakling? Pfffttt....... Yea right.

Silva: He's behind you.

Fatalis: Wait really!?

He said in fear. He looks back, only to see nothing.

Silva: Hahaahhhahahahaha

Fatalis: You will regret that human......

Silva looks in confusion.

Kulve just watches blankly.

Kulve: 'Why me?'

With Alatreon

He has gotten in a fight with another human. This human seems to be quite skilled.

Alatreon lazily attempts to slash him. The man dodges skillfully and follows up with a counter-attack. Alatreon flinches as a scale comes off.

???: heh. What a weak dragon...

He would regret that.

Alatreon slashes at him with blinding speed, throwing him across the forest.

Alatreon looks at the smoking broken down trees and then walls off.


The human king is mad.

To think he would meet the dragon responsible for the destruction of the battlefield.

The Dragon also uses more than 1 element. It is truly a dangerous creature.

The King couldn't help but feel rage.

?¿?: Do you seek power?

The King turns around and sees a woman with dark energy around her.

King: Who are you?

?¿?: My name does not concern you, King.

King: You're a witch aren't you?

?¿?: Indeed. Once again do you seek power?

She starts walking in circles around him.

?¿?: You will have the power to go toe to toe with the Demon King and the Dragon king.

The King widens his eyes.

King: How can I trust you?

?¿?: You want to defeat that dragon don't you?

King: Y-Yes, I do...

?¿?: All you have to do is find someone for me and meet at this exact spot.

King: What do they look like and what is their name?

?¿?: She is quite young and has Silver hair. She is my daughter after all.

King: Her name?

The woman just smirks.

?¿?: Her name has been changed to Silva by that Dragon.

King: That will be easy. You better give me that power once this is over.

The woman just giggles.

?¿?: Don't worry, I don't go back on my word.

She then disappears leaving the King alone.

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