chapter : 21

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                      Pov : Fiona

Anana ........ Da ......... Suddenly I felt some one tapping on my face hmmm no please one more minute and then  i felt some one giving me wet kisses .

Wait kisses .... and then when i opened my eyes i came face to face with reyan.

And  damn he was looking cute with one of his beautiful smile .

Good morning baby .

Instead of replying he peppered kisses entire my face.

Hmmm..... Good morning to you to my baby.

All of a sudden he was going to another direction .

Hey baby were are you going .

When I turned  to next side of my bed at that time i realised that it's not just me and reyan  sleeping in the but there was another person and that person is none other then Liam.

Ugh this men i told him to sleep in his room but no he never listen's to me .

Where as on other hand reyan was trying to wake up  Liam.

After two minutes of reyan trying to wake up Liam finally that poor baby gave up .

Oh honey don't worry I will try to wake up ur dad .

Reyan came towards my side .

Hey wake up .

Hey you ....... Before i could complete my sentence reyan pulled me close towards his body and he has snuggled his head on my chest  .

Hey get off me .

I tried wiggling from his grasp but it was of no use cause he has tighten his grip on me.

Where as on other hand reyan was busy playing with his toys.

Now what am i suppose to do.

Idea  .

Liam.... i started tracing his lips with my fingers and i thought of making my voice look a bit sexier.

Hmmm....Liam honey.

Yes love.

Finally I got to hear his sexy morning voice.

Ugh Fiona concentrate on ur mission.


Yes love .

I brought my hand on his chest.


Oh god did he just pur no I guess it's just my imagination.

As how I started tracing my hand on his shirt .

His grip on me loosend.

I pushed him a bit and ran in to the washroom.

As how i accomplished my task .

I hrard a loud growl.

Is he an animal or what.

Come out fiona .

No i won't  and what ever I did you actually deserve it and do not disturb me while iam doing my bathroom business.

After 5 minutes of  bathroom business i came out of the bathroom.

As how out of the washroom  i was been pushed back to the door by Liam.

Oh Fiona you have no idea that little  stunt which you pulled on  me can't be forgiven so quickly and yes you have 2 pay  for that little task.

Oh iam scared  .

Oh well cup cake you should be.

Hmmmm...... Well let see .

Ya sure  i will show you  with that saying he left the room with reyan in his arms.

Huh he thinks i am scared of him.

After changing my dress i left my room and damn i could smell delicious pancake smell which made my stomach to growl as if asking to be fed.

Finally after reaching the kitchen  the view made my eyes to pop out.

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