accept it or not! we are coming

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Hope pov

As soon as I understood what the meeting is about, anger rose inside me, what can I do, whenever I get scared, anger comes along. I hit the nearby table which broke pushing a piece of wood through my hand. All eyes turned to see what happened, to escape from the attention I got I further sped up leaving a piece of the wood hanging in, blood seeping through my hand. After reaching my room I stood before the door without opening it. I can see the wound trying to heal but with my movements and the wood piece struck there, it keeps on opening and closing like a loop. Pain is not new to me, the reason behind it is, fear of failing again is, fear of losing another is. I took out the piece of wood letting the wound heal, moving forward, jumping through the window, went to woods to my usual place to wolf out, of course with boundaries to restrict my wolf in certain places.

After running for who-knows-how-long hours I reached my room, letting sleep overcome my tiredness. When I woke up it's still night, checking my phone I get to know that I slept through all day, Alaric messaged me few times

Hope are you up for training?

Lizzie said you were out all night, cancelling your classes

Looks like you need time to adjust, let's talk when you feel okay, we need to discuss what to reveal to others if they are joining

I informed your schedule teachers about your absence.

Replying him that I am okay, I got up, having a warm shower, went to fetch dinner. All the pack members just waved a hi towards me and continuing their talk. They know not to disturb me when something bothers me. A quick glace to witches side, twins along with Mg and Raf are laughing. A part of me wanted to hear their conversation, knowing better I left to my room. Having done with dinner, I messaged Alaric if he is free to talk. He replied to meet him near docks next morning.

When I went to talk with Alaric I tried to stay as calm as possible. He can easily see my inner turmoil even with my straight face.

"Alaric, why ?"

" I have to Hope, I know I accepted till now, it's not because I don't care about you, it's because you need it to distract yourself from your past. It never happened Hope, but I can't see if something happens to you. I know this will put my daughters in risk but I am willing to take that. You are almost as much as they are to me. I didn't because they don't know but now that they know what we have been upto I can't stop them from joining us. So let's discuss what we have to reveal to them about you"

" Don't Alaric. I will take care that you don't have to reveal anything to others. It's enough that twins know about this one. I have to talk with your kids, I owe them an explanation. I can't escape anymore I guess and of course I will try one last time to ask them to back away from this stupidity"

"If theirs is stupidity then yours will be called the same" Alaric pushed my words back.

"Whatever, If I can't convince them, it's okay I will be there to be in the front line to protect them as always" I answered him.

I sent the twins a note using magic in Alaric's name asking them to meet me in old mill after classes. Somehow I made up my mind to face them let's see whats there to come.

Later that evening when I reached there I can see that Saltzman kids are already there. So eager to dig out I guess. I went in to see them comfortable laying on a couch with snacks. What do they think? Some sort of movie? Oh god! I can already see Elizabeth's curiosity flowing through the room like the air we breathe. Josette is not showing it out but still it's there.

" So, how do we start? You are saying everything, or we have to ask out loud?" Elizabeth asked

"So much for friends, ha! Not even a hi! Direct to the point " I tried to poke

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