not today

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Josie pov

I can't believe she tricked us. Can you believe it? The line has two different meanings, as discussed we went to sleep that night. Lizzie nor I talked about what happened. Just tired from waiting all the day for Hope to answer us, we slept as soon as we hit the bed. Next morning with alarms diving through our ears we both woke up.

"Jo, what do you think, why she did that? Pretend to be dumb" Lizzie sounded her thoughts out

" Who knows! " I just shrugged still sitting lazily on our beds. To the view we are staring at each other but our minds are locked onto what we will find today.

"Let's forget everything that happened till now between us Jo, we will talk to her, get to know her, if we can be friends may be then we can get over the fact that dad spends more time with her, she is not bad as we thought" I slowly nodded along.

"Fine, but only after she explains herself and also apologize for yesterday, we have to thank her for saving our lives too. "

"Oh my god Josie, you are agreeing with me, like really accepting to let her in, get to know someone, that's so you before everything happened"  I smiled at her. She crashed me into my bed with a huge teddy bear hug. She knows I love them especially from her. It's been so long since I let her do this.

" Does this mean you are back to Josie in the past?" I waited before answering her.

"No Lizzie, I need time to get that part of me for everyone to see. Let's just say it's just you, maybe dad and Hope if she can reason with us" she beamed with happiness that I erased the boundaries for her which I kept with everyone for past two years. We talked about random things before getting ready for the day. Being curious about Hope, we stormed towards her room bumping everyone who stood in our way. As I am with Lizzie noone dared to even glare at me. We knocked on her door. No answer.

After few knocks and with no answer from Hope we tried to open the room with a spell it didnt work.

"Is this the same with every other room?" Lizzie questioned. We never tried going to other rooms by picking up locks? So we don't know. Let's go to dad, he might answer where Hope is. So we made our way to his office. I know it's early but he always prefers to sleep in the couch of his office than his room. We entered without knocking. Dad is in his chair writing something and Hope stood there with a knowing look that we are entering. They might be discussing something and stopped before we are there to interrupt. 

No one spoke for what felt like hours, dad never looked who came forced into his office. Hope as usual is staring into her boots?  When he stopped accessing the files he looked at us nodding.

"Hi girls, what brought you here early this morning please don't make this about Hope being here, I don't want to start there again, you can leave now Hope, complete your work"

"Alaric, I won't be coming back tonight, will go for a run." Hope said to him. He stood there shocked till Lizzie sat down on the couch before closing the door with a spell. She tried to make it intimidate but that turned out a bit comical.

"Hope, why are you speaking.. I mean you are speaking?" He blurted out trying to sound suprised yet failing. Of course he knows that she can speak, may be that is why they both don't want anyone to join them in fighting. So noone can know she speaks. In fights she might not be conscious to act dumb.

"It's okay Alaric they know, I sort of accidentally slipped my words infront of them yesterday, but let's just keep it with only them knowing" he looked at Hope with understanding and nodded allowing her to leave.

"Woah hoh! Nope not leaving again, you promised you will explain today Hope, so start with it" now it's me who relaxed beside Lizzie. Hope shook her head and a smirk playing when she said

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