healing spell, or my blood

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It's been more than a year since I started here. I am a vampire. I don't know how I got turned. An accident happened which gave me severe injuries and then next day I woke up with this thirst. I didn't understand what's going on. A man came saying that I have to make a choice. He said do you want to die human or do you want to live almost human. His words confused me, why should I make this choice what's wrong with me. Last remember I am picking my mom up from her work.

He said then" Milton you died this morning and now you are in transition stage, you can drink human blood only for now and live or you can refuse to drink which gives you less than a day to live." He explained what it is to be a vampire. I didn't like what he said.

" You have to drink human blood to complete the transition. Then we have a school to teach you how to survive this. From next time onwards you can just feed yourself on animal blood. But before that you have to train to control your blood lust. I am not sure what will happen take it from me it is difficult to control. "

The man named Alaric explained everything to me, even something called switch. What happens if lost. Hearing everything I felt like I can't make it. So I choose to spend my day with my mom. She is all I have. But then when I saw my mom, the look in her eyes killed me second by second. It started an inner war of what to do. I bounced on whether to live or to die.

My said "Milton, have hope on your life, you can do it. I know Mr Saltzman, he is good at this. There are more people who are like you. See this is his school, he started it for their daughters and he took alot of students under his wing, protecting them, teaching them, helping them. Do it for me, for us. It's my opinion. You can still take your decision. " Hearing her my turmoil increased.

I asked her for some time alone. I wandered around the school. My head is hurting, there's this thirst haunting me, my ears bursting with overlapping voices, sounds. Then two girls approached me. They introduced themselves as twins, a blonde and a brunette. They are Mr Saltzman's daughters. They are witches.

The piece of information increased my curiosity, witches? As in Harry Potter! Their words gave me new hope. They drived my mind to look at life in new aspect. I decided then and there, they will be my best friends for life. I drank the blood principal Saltzman gave me. That felt amazing. The thrist died down, and now I enjoyed the pros of being a vampire. Super speed, enhanced hearing,

It's been a month now since I turned, seeing my coping up Dr Saltzman gave me an offer. If I continue this for another two months he will permit me to see my mom. He said I did amazing for a newly turned vampire. Once Ms, Caroline Forbes Salvatore trained me when she is back home. When I learned everything about supernaturals here I get to know how good they are except for some.

He said mom pressured him to allow me. So he seeing my progress allowed me. Now I get to see my mom. It was the best day after I turned. We went everywhere we used to go. All day we spend happily. That day turned my world upside down. I did something unforgettable, but I forgot what happened that night. I don't know what Dr Saltzman did, my memory got erased, he just said that my mother left me a note. It said she is happy for me and she would like it if I never search for her.

I tried every possible way to know but no such luck. It left me devastated. There was this fear towards human blood, which I didn't have before that day. Hope helped me to come back to my normal self. For that I am forever grateful to her. She is a very interesting person. She can't talk and she never tried to communicate with others except for Dr Saltzman.

When I joined hearing how powerful she is and how she doesn't talk got me excited. See I can hear what anyone is saying in this school if I concentrate, when I can't understand what is said I learned sign language to get what she is saying. It helped me those three months making it easier to talk to me. I don't know how she did that but she completely changed my depression. She comforted me, she removed my guilt from that unknown incident, she gave me journals of Stefan Salvatore and someone named Kol Mikaelson (whom I learned about later that year) and their ways of controlling fear of blood.

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