Chapter 40 - Return

Start from the beginning

Nezu hopped down, and began walking out of the dorms. Izuku shrugged and quickly bid farewell to his friends, brother and girlfriend as he followed the surprisingly quick... animal.

"So, where are we going?" Izuku asked as they began climbing the stairs. There were a lot.
"Well, I have a special office for teaching effectively. So we'll be heading there, and outline a basic study and theoretical work schedule for you!" Nezu said, his smile not faltering once.

If Izuku was being really honest, it was a tad unnerving. That and Nezu's gaze always seemed to lock onto his hair, always for a moment too long. Honestly, if it weren't for his quirk he wouldn't even notice. 

Eventually, the two reached Nezu's teaching office where there were several whiteboards set up, a few textbooks open, an open computer, what appeared to be several different research projects set up and a miniature testing chamber of sorts.

Nezu hopped up (quite literally) onto his desk and flipped open a timetable, which he handed to Izuku. "Now, we are going to do a blitz of physics subjects, that are compatible with your quirk!" Nezu started, cheerfully waving his hands around, "I would personally like to see more heroes using more science based techniques or attacks, and would like to integrate a dedicated class for this."

Izuku nodded in understanding, "A society with smarter, more complex heroes would have much stronger heroes with far higher skill ceiling-"
"Allowing for more heroes with All Might levels of potential!" Nezu finished, rubbing his paws together, "And I would like to reach this society! To do this I would like to integrate a new program into U.A, one that specializes in teaching students subjects that can highly improve their quirk. I'm sure you can think of plenty of examples within your own class."

Izuku nodded, and he could think of plenty. 'Jiro learning the physics behind soundwaves, Shoji learning more biology, Mina learning chemistry, and Koda learning classification to name a few.'

"However, I need a student to spearhead this project. And, after taking your quirk into consideration, I would like to work with you for this!" Nezu said.
"W-wait Principal Nezu, why me though?" Izuku asked, surprised by the sudden events of the day.
"Well, to be quite honest Izuku, your quirk has the most potential in this. Green lightning itself is one thing, but the ways you've used it so far continue to impress, and I believe there is still so much more you can do with it. I believe you have started looking into polarization capacity, yes?" Nezu explained.
"Indeed sir, I believe that using that I could create a barrier of some sorts." Izuku responded. Nezu placed a paw upon his chin, before responding.

"Indeed, that is a splendid idea! However, there is still so much more you can do with that idea alone. So Izuku, will you accept my direct tutelage?" Nezu asked, holding a paw out. Izuku didn't even hesitate as he grabbed Nezu's paw, gently shaking it (the paw, he was careful not to completely shake Nezu himself).
"I look forward to it Principal Nezu!" Izuku said, beaming.
"As do I. Please look over these schedules and textbooks for theory preparation and we'll be able to get started as soon as possible!" Nezu said, smiling as well.

Izuku quickly picked up the textbooks (and almost dropped them because he was not expecting it to be about a dozen kilos) before bowing a last time as he backed out of the room. He lugged them down the stairs, and although it was a slow process he knew it would be worth it.

Once he finally made it back to the dorms, Nejire had already left back to her own dorms (although if his phone blowing up was anything to go by she already missed him), and several other class members had come down to start cooking dinner (currently it was Sero, Sato and Shoji) or just hang out (from the sound of it Kaminari was absolutely destroying Bakugo in Mario Kart and Yaoyorozu had to hold the angrier blond back whilst Jiro was filming). 

Izuku was greeted by everyone there, and although everyone did visit him once he woke up it was his first time back at the dorms. Izuku smiled and thanked everyone as he made his way through, before Kirishima spoke up. "Yo, Izu-bro, what are you carrying?"
"Oh, uh, since I can't participate in the class training for the first few days Nezu has offered to help tutor me," Izuku said, pulling out one of his schedules from the pile of books.
"THE principal Nezu?! Isn't he terrifying or something?!" Mineta screamed, before he was whacked by both Yaoyorozu and Bakugo.
"Shut the fuck up ya little twerp!" Bakugo screamed. Yaoyorozu simply nodded in agreement with a disappointed look.

Izuku couldn't help but chuckle at the change in both their behaviors, overall being positive. 'Probably. I mean, Yaoyorozu being more aggressive is good because she's more assertive... but probably gonna scare off some people... but will terrify Mineta so it's great. Bakugo being more quiet and cunning is probably really good for him as a hero, but is also going to terrify some people.'

"But yeah, he's not really scary and I think we got along alright. He has some really cool ideas that I hope to try out!" Izuku said, showing them the schedule.
Some eyes widened at the proposed content, involving incredibly complex particle physics, some of which had only been discovered or proven with the advent of quirks.
"Uhh... dude what do you think Nezu means when he says hair nesting?" Kaminari spoke up. Izuku froze, paling slightly as he heard that.
"You know how he always pops out of Aizawa-sensei's scarf?" Izuku asked.

Bakugo burst out laughing, hunched over as he understood and Yaoyorozu had to hide her own chuckles. Similarly, Iida and Todoroki were supporting each other as they laughed, and several other students were holding their own laughter in. The more outspoken students, mostly Mina, were rolling on the ground with laughter whilst Izuku paled completely, slightly frozen. "I... I'm sure it will be worthwhile overall," Izuku said, losing some of his earlier confidence.
"YEAH WORTHWHILE FOR BLACKMAIL YA FUCKING NERD!" Bakugo hollered. None of the more studious students were in a condition where they could scold him for his language, as they all were in various states of being hunched over.

Soon everyone calmed down and Izuku carried the schedule and textbooks into his room, dumping them onto his desk. It when he dropped it down, it kicked up dust and he sighed. He grabbed a cloth, and wiped down the desk and several surfaces in his room, making sure it wasn't too dusty. It didn't take too long and Izuku headed back out, dropping the cloth in the laundry basket as he passed.

Once he made it down, most everyone was already seated and eating together. Izuku sat at one of the tables with Bakugo, Iida, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu where they sat together, discussing the plans for the next few days.

"Well, while you were unconscious, Aizawa-sensei introduced to us the goal of super move training for the last week of academic break, but he didn't really explain what," Yaoyorozu said, whilst Izuku hummed thoughtfully.
"Well, do you guys have any ideas?" Izuku asked them. 

All the students at the table thought for a moment, before Bakugo spoke first. "Well, I already have the Howitzer Impact, but I need something that's powerful and more accurate," He explained.
"Well, personally I would like to have a powerful combination move, beyond the giant ice wall," Todoroki added, gazing at his left hand.
"And similarly to Todoroki's ideas for balance, I need to have some form of ranged move. Perhaps some kind of gust storm, or air strikes with my kicks," Iida said, chopping the air which Bakugo and Yaoyorozu had to dodge (the new couple was sitting together).

"Mmhm, with my own quirk it is difficult to create such a super move," Yaoyorozu said, looking embarrassed. 
"How about you go to the support department, see if they have any interesting blueprints you could use?" Izuku suggested. Yaoyorozu seemed to perk up at this, and Bakugo spoke his own suggestion.
"Yeah, you could get like, a rocket launcher or some shit?! How cool would that be?!" He yelled. Yaoyorozu proceeded to slap him for his language, before sighing.
"You're not wrong. However, I would prefer something more accurate. A laser of sorts perhaps."

The two went back and forth for a while (Bakugo was fixated on some form of explosive item), whilst the other three boys continued their own conversation. Soon they finished and Sato brought out dessert, gathering all students around Izuku's table, much to the green-haired boy's embarrassment.

"To our whole, reunited class 1-A!" Sato declared, and all the students cheered in agreement. Izuku smiled. His class was happy he was back, and he was definitely happy to be back as well.

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